Udvalget for Forskning, Innovation og Videregående Uddannelser 2012-13
FIV Alm.del Bilag 222
27 August 2013Mr Rasmus Prehn,ParliamentChairThe Research, Innovation and Further Education CommitteePeder Pårsvej 109000 AalborgDenmark
Invitation to the 5thInternational Meeting for Members of Parliaments
Dear Mr Prehn,
I am very pleased to invite you to the fifth Meeting for Members of Parliaments, taking place on 22September 2013 in Beijing, China in the context of the 64thInternational Astronautical Congress (IAC) thatwill take place on 23 – 27 September 2013.
Every year since 2009, the IAF is organizing an International Meeting for Members of Parliaments, whichoffers parliamentarians from all over the world an organised platform for dialogue with the spacecommunity, including governmental representatives, agencies, industries, engineers and scientists,community on a global scale. This event will give an opportunity to present, for political stakeholders fromgoverning to non-governing parties alike, the potential of current or future space technologies to deal withtopics of major and global interest.
The fifth International Meeting for Members of Parliaments will be focusing on “Benefits of spacetechnology for economic growth and competitiveness of industry”.
The draft of the one-day programme, that you will find enclosed, offers keynote addresses from twodistinguished speakers: Mr. Jean-Jacques Dordain and Mrs. Claire Jolly. Jean-Jacques Dordain, DirectorGeneral of the European Space Agency (ESA) and Vice-President of the International AstronauticalFederation, will give a presentation on the following topic: “From Space research to services with politicaland economic impact”. Claire Jolly, Senior Policy Analyst of the OECD Space Forum and Directorate forScience, Technology and Industry for OECD, will give a presentation on the subject of “The economic impactof investments in Space Technology and Space services”.
The social programme of the event foresees a Welcome Cocktail on the evening of 21 September, and aDinner on 22 September to which Heads of Space Agencies attending the IAC 2013 will be invited.Moreover, all participants to the International Meeting for Members of Parliaments are invited to attendthe Opening Day of the IAC on 23 September 2013. Furthermore a Technical Visit to the China Academy ofSpace Technology (CAST) will be organised on Tuesday morning 24 September.
IAF Secretariat - 94bis avenue de Suffren - 75015 Paris, FranceT: +33 (0)1 45 67 42 60 - F: +33 (0)1 42 73 21 20 - E: [email protected] - W: www.iafastro.orgNon-profit organisation established under the French Law of 1 July 1901
I would be grateful if you could let me know at your earliest convenience if you intend to join the meeting.Please note that hotel and travel arrangements for the meeting will not be subsidised by the IAF. LisaAntoniadis; IAF Projects Manager from our Secretariat in Paris ([email protected], +33 1 45 67 6846) will be at your disposal if you require any further help or information.
I look forward to your participation and to seeing you in Beijing.
Yours sincerely,
Kiyoshi HiguchiPresidentInternational Astronautical Federation
IAF Secretariat - 94bis avenue de Suffren - 75015 Paris, FranceT: +33 (0)1 45 67 42 60 - F: +33 (0)1 42 73 21 20 - E: [email protected] - W: www.iafastro.orgNon-profit organisation established under the French Law of 1 July 1901