Udvalget for Forskning, Innovation og Videregående Uddannelser 2012-13
FIV Alm.del Bilag 216

Meeting of Chairpersons of the Committees on Education, Science and Culture and the

Committees on the Development of Information Society, 26-27 September 2013, Vilnius,


Dear colleagues,Please find attached invitations and other documents related to the Meeting of Chairpersons of theCommittees on Education, Science and Culture and the Committees on the Development ofInformation Society, 26-27 September 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania.In your email you will find attached the following documents:1. Invitation from the Speaker of the Seimas Mr Vydas Gedvilas (in Lithuanian, English andFrench).2. Invitation from the Chair of the Committee on Education, Science and Culture Ms AudronėPitrėnienė and the Chair of the Committee on the Development ofInformation Society MrMindaugas Bastys (in Lithuanian, English and French).3. Draft programme of the Inter-parliamentary Conference on CFSP and CSDP (in Lithuanian,English and French).4. General Information note (in Lithuanian, English and French).5. Hotel reservation forms.Please note that invitations to the meeting will not be sent to your capitals by regular post, so pleasemake sure to forward this email to the responsible people in your parliaments/chambers.All the documents soon will be uploaded onwww.eu2013.lrs.lt<http://www.eu2013.lrs.lt/>.All participants are kindly requested to register individually online atwww.eu2013.lrs.lt<http://www.eu2013.lrs.lt/>no later than 10 September 2013.Important information!!!Online registration code is Seimas20130926Please indicate it when registering.I also would like to draw your attention to the deadline for the reservation of hotels - 5 September2013.Should you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact the colleagues inVilnius (contacts are indicated in the general information note) or me.Kind regards,[cid:266563307@02082013-292E]Živilė PavilonytėLietuvos Respublikos Seimo nuolatinė atstovė Europos SąjungojePermanent Representative of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania to the European UnionWIE 06 U 026, Rue Wiertz 30-50, B-1050 Bruxelles, BelgiumTel. +32 228 42830, mob. +32 495 100 573El. p.:[email protected]<blocked::mailto:[email protected]>www.lrs.lt<blocked::http://www.lrs.lt/>; www.eu2013.lrs.lt<blocked::http://www.eu2013.lrs.lt/>