Finansudvalget 2012-13
FIU Alm.del Bilag 71
Fra:Maria Retana de la PezaSendt:14. januar 2013 11:02Emne:Conference Invitation: Central Banking at a Crossroads, Europe and Beyond, 29-30 January 2013
TheDanish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)is pleased to invite you to the following conference onthe future of Central Banking in the context of the European crisis:Central Banking at a Crossroads: Europe and Beyond29-30 January 2013AxelborgAxelborgsalenVesterbrogade 4A, 1620 Copenhagen KGiven your position as Chairman of the Financial Committee at the Danish Parliament, we thought you couldbe interested in attending and would be delighted if you decided to do so. We would also appreciate it if youcould forward the invitation to the rest of the committee.Structured around two workshops, the conference will take on two central questions in the post-crisis debateon how to restore stability to financial systems:Tuesday, 29 January 9.00-18.00: Workshop 1Bank Resolution in Comparative Perspective: What Lessons for Europe?Wednesday, 30 January 9.00-18.30: Workshop 2Central Banking in an Age of Collateral-Based Finance: Where Next for the ECB?Thekeynote speakersfor the conference include:Anat Admati,Professor, Stanford UniversityCharles Goodhart,Professor, London School of EconomicsErkki Liikanen,Governor, Bank of FinlandPerry Mehrling,Professor, Columbia UniversityManmohan Singh,Senior Economist, IMFPlease find attached an invitation with detailed information about the programme and the invited speakers.Feel free to circulate it in your networks to anybody that is potentially interested in attending. Academics,regulators, journalists and students are all welcome to register.Participation isfree of charge,butregistration is required.Please use our online registration form as soonas possible and no later thanFriday, 18 January 2013 at 12.00 noon.Please await confirmation by e-mail from DIIS.The conference is funded byCopenhagen Business School (CBS),theDanish Central Bank, Danske Bank,theEuropean Coorporation in Science and Technology (COST), Finansrådet, Nordea, NykreditandDIIS.SincerelyGlobal Economy, Regulation and Development Research Group
Danish Institute for International StudiesStrandgade 56, DK-1401 Copenhagen, Denmark