Finansudvalget 2012-13
FIU Alm.del Bilag 109
Alain Destexhe, MPChairman of the Parliamentary Networkon the World Bank & IMF
Hon. Mogens LykketoftPresident of the DanishParliamentDenmark13 March 2013
Invitation - Annual conference, Baku, AZERBAIJAN, 23-24 MAY 2013Hon. Mogens Lykketoft,It is my honour and pleasure to extend to you an invitation to attend the 11th annual conference ofthe Parliamentary Network on the World Bank & IMF from 23-24 May 2013 in Baku, Azerbaijan.The Annual Conference is the Parliamentary Network’s flagship event, bringing together over 200network members, leaders from civil society and partner organizations, and the leadership from anumber of International Financial Institutions including the World Bank, IMF and regionaldevelopment banks. The Annual Conference is both an annual general meeting for members as wellas a development conference.With two years remaining to the 2015 MDGs and an international community beginning to lookbeyond this deadline, Parliamentarians have to focus on remaining tasks and future challenges ininternational development. A modern framework for poverty reduction and growth in the 21stcentury should be based on principles such as sustainability, equity, and accountability. During thetwo days of the conference, discussion will focus on promoting the role of Parliamentarians inessential areas of development including transparency in extractive industries; macroeconomicstability; and promoting economic growth.The full conference agenda and logistical information will be communicated when you confirm yourparticipation. I invite you to fill out and send us back the joint registration form to[email protected]at your earliest convenience and at the latest by 20 April 2013. Please note that your flight,accommodation and board will be covered upfront by the Parliamentary Network upon request.I look forward to what is sure to be an engaging two days of discussion, debate and learning andhope to see you in Baku.Sincerely,
Alain Destexhe, MPChairman of the Parliamentary Networkon the World Bank & IMFThe Parliamentary Network on the World Bank &International Monetary Fund66, Avenue d’Iéna 75116 Paris, France+33 (0)1 40 69 30 55 /[email protected]Check our website at