Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2012-13
ERU Alm.del Bilag 204
Dan-Vigor welcomes The Business,growth and Export Committee.
March 6th. 2013.
Dan-Vigor is a 50/50% Joint Venture between Vigor and ArlaFoods. It was founded in 1986.
The Joint venture:50/50%.The partners has each 2 members in the board.Vigor –sales and distribution.Arla – production and administration.
Miles Stones Arla Foods.1970: MD1999:MD/KloverArla Foods: founded in 2000.10,4 bn. kg milk, 12.000 owners in DK,S,FIN,D,GB, B, LUX.
Milestones Vigor:1986:•Vigoris a private owned dairy company.•Dan-Vigoris founded.2009:•Bertingroup acquire 50% of Vigor.2010:•Bertingroup acquire 100% of Vigor.•Bertingroup merge with JBS.
Why do we have a dairy in Brazil?:In the 80´ Ultrafiltration technology was introduced tothe dairy industry in Europe and UF- white cheeseproduction began. (Feta cheese) Based on the sametechnology Vigor and Arla started a JV in Brazil.The target was to offer the consumers a different andhealthy �Queijo Minas Frescal�
Product milestones:1986•Freshcheese �Queijo Minas Frescal� (lately became “Queijo frescalUltrafiltrado”)
1995•Spreadcheese and cream cheese production.
2003•Creamcheese desserts.
2013•Highpremium lactose free Yoghurts.Food service, sour cream and Fondue cheese.
INNOVATION and high premium:Innovationhas always been our priority: First dairy products withUltra filtration at Brazilian market
Firstwith low fat products.Firstwith nonfat products.CreamCheese desserts.FunctionalFresh Cheese.Varietyof food service portfolio – products with same quality asretail
Raw Material
Also on Milk intake we are innovative. We have elaborated a planthat secure and continuously improves raw milk quality i.e. wepay our milk by the quality we receive.2012 figures:28 from 42 farms.3,84% fat.3,29% protein.400.0000 SCC.30.0000 BCC.
PRODUCTION (2012)7500 Tons.2009 – 2012 +50%.40 SKU.The production is divided into 3 mainproduction line.Freshcheese 20%Spreadcheese 40%CreamCheese 40%
MARKET SHARE•Freshcheese (UF) 50%•Spreadcheese 3,5%.•CreamCheese 15%•Source:Nielsen
STAFF:135 employees.
Major challenges:
Culture.Language.TaxationLabor legislation and union.
Future expectation for the JV:50% growth towards 2017.
Future for Arla Foods introduce a
range of product in the global brands:
•Lurpak•Castello•Arla.5000 ton by 2017.