Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2012-13
ERU Alm.del Bilag 107
Fra:Dorthe Andersen Maurel [mailto:[email protected]]Sendt:3. januar 2013 15:39Til:Folketingets OplysningEmne:Invitation til OECD's Parlamentsdage, den 11.-13. februar 2013, ParisAtt. Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget, Skatteudvalget, Finansudvalget og andre potentieltinteresserede medlemmer af FolketingetHermed fremsendes invitation og foreløbigt program angående OECD’s Parlamentsdage, somholdes den 11.-13. februar 2013 i Paris og som omfatter en middagsreception den 11. februar,et Højniveau Parlamentsseminar den 12. februar med fokus på handel, skat og bank-/finansregulering samt mulighed for bilaterale møder med OECD eksperter den 11. og 13.februar.Supplerende informationer følger og kan desuden findes på modtager gerne bekræftelse på eventuel deltagelse.Med venlig hilsenOECD-delegationen / Dorthe Maurel_______________________________________________________DORTHE MAUREL-ANDERSEN /[email protected]ASSISTANTDIRECT +33 1 4431 2157PERMANENT DELEGATION OF DENMARK TO THE OECDDÉLÉGATION DE DANEMARK AUPRÈS DE L'OCDE / 77 AVENUE MARCEAU / 75116 PARISPHONE +33 1 4431 2150 /WWW.OECD.UM.DK
From:[email protected][mailto:[email protected]]Subject:OECD Parliamentary Days, 11-13 February 2013 / Journées parlementaires de l'OCDE, 11-13février 2013
Dear Ambassador,We would like to call your attention to the first OECD Parliamentary Days that will take place in Paris on 11-13February 2013. This will include a dinner reception on 11 February, a High-Level Parliamentary Seminar (12 February),and bilateral meetings with OECD experts (11 and 13 February). We would be very grateful if you could share the datesof the upcoming OECD Parliamentary Days and the High-Level Parliamentary Seminar with parliamentaryrepresentatives from your country who might be interested in attending. In particular, we would like to attract MPsfocusing on trade, tax and the banking sector/financial regulation.The High-Level Parliamentary Seminar will be held at theOECD Conference Centre(CC10). It will offer anopportunity for parliamentarians and legislators to exchange views with their colleagues and OECD experts on a rangeof key issues, with a specific focus on trade, tax and banking/financial regulation issues. Besides bilateral meeting withOECD experts, we also look forward to include in the programme meetings between parliamentarians and OECDdelegations. As MPs from your country register and express their specific interest, the Public Affairs andCommunications Directorate will liaise with you on the best timing for these potential meetings and possible subjectareas for discussion.Further details will be provided closer to the date, and will also be available on the OECD the meantime, your office may wish to contact Jennifer Bisping([email protected], Tel: +33 1 45 24 93 26) and Silvia Terrón ([email protected]; Tel: +33 1 45 24 95 72)for further information.A summary of the session of the High-Level Parliamentary Seminar that took place in October 2012 on betterpolicies for inclusive growth and integrity is availablehere,for further reference.Thank you in advance for your collaboration in making the first OECD Parliamentary Days a great success.***