Børne- og Undervisningsudvalget 2012-13
BUU Alm.del Bilag 215
24 April 2013

Invitation to the Meeting of Chairpersons of Communications, Education and

Transport Committees,

16-17 June 2013

Dear Colleague,As Chairpersons of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Transport andCommunications and the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Education and SocialProtection it gives us great pleasure to invite you to the Meeting of theChairpersons of Communications, Education and Transport Committees, to beheld in Dublin as part of the parliamentary dimension of Ireland’s EUPresidency.The meeting will take place on Monday, 17 June 2013 in the historicsurroundings of Dublin Castle, preceded by a dinner in Farmleigh House hostedby the Houses of the Oireachtas on the evening of Sunday 16 June 2013.The draft agenda and a registration form for the meeting are enclosed. Hotelreservations may be made online via the website:http://cms.ihfhousingbureau.com/ENG/event90_16June13.htmlPlease ensure that hotel reservations and registrations are made as soon aspossible and by 19 May, 2013 at the latest. Further documentation concerningthe event will be sent to delegations later this month.We look forward to seeing you in Dublin.Yours sincerely,
____________________________Mr. Tom Hayes, T.D.,Chairperson of the OireachtasJoint Committee on Transportand Communications
____________________________Ms. Joanna Tuffy, T.D.,Chairperson of the OireachtasJoint Committee on Educationand Social Protection
EU Coordinator: Máirín Devlin, Telephone (direct) 00353 1 6183258, [email protected]