Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2012-13
BEU Alm.del Bilag 248
Fra:[email protected][mailto:[email protected]]Sendt:26. august 2013 12:49Til:Lennart Damsbo-AndersenCc:Beskæftigelsesudvaglet;[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]Emne:Invitation to the OECD High-Level Parliamentary Seminar, 2 October 2013 - Denmark (BEU)
Message from: Jennifer Bisping, Deputy Head of Public Affairs, OECDDear Mr. Lennart Damsbo-Andersen,The OECD would like to invite you and your fellow members of the Employment Committee to the nextOECD High-Level Parliamentary Seminar,which will take place inParisonWednesday 2 October 2013.Please note that theseminar is scheduled back-to-back withthe enlarged annual debate of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Councilof Europeon the activities of the OECD, which will be held onOctober 1 in Strasbourg.On this occasion, the High-Level Parliamentary Seminar will focus on the latesteconomicandemploymentoutlooks, anupdate on the OECD’s work onBEPS(base erosion and profit-shifting),migration, well-being,and transparency andintegrity inlobbying.Please find attached a draft programme, which will also be posted and regularly updated seminar is open to Members of Parliament as well as staffers. It offers an exceptional opportunity forparliamentarians to exchange views with their peers and OECD experts on a range of key issues.We would be very grateful if you could share the invitation with your fellow members of the Employment Committee whomight be interested in attending.We hope you and your colleagues will be able to join us for this event. If you would like to sign up or if you have anyqueries you can contact myself or my colleague Silvia Terrón; [[email protected]; Tel: +33 (0) 1 45 24 95 72].Furthermore, I would like to draw your attention to some of the recent events held between the OECD andparliamentarians:On 5 June 2013, theParliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’sSub-Committee on relations with the OECDand EBRDexchanged views with the OECD around the Organisation’s work on BEPS, tax transparency and theOECD’s New Approaches to Economic Challenges (NAEC) initiative.
The OECD held aHigh-Level Parliamentary Seminar hosted by the Swedish Parliamentin Stockholm on 17-18June 2013 entitled “FromEconomic Turbulence to Inclusive Growth: Lessons from the Nordic Model?”This is thesecond OECD Parliamentary Seminar “on the road” - a series of annual seminars held in a member country, in additionto the two seminars held in Paris. The Seminar was attended by 45 Members of Parliament and 17 staffers from Austria,Belgium, Chile, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal,Serbia, Slovenia and Sweden; as well as the IMF. The presentations of the speakers can be found on the Seminar’swebpage.A summary of the sessions will also be available shortly.
On 18 June the Director of the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate, Ken Ash, addressed theEuropean ParliamentInternational Trade Committeeto present OECD work onTrade in Value Added.For more information about this joint
OECD-WTO initiative on how to measure the value added by each country in the production of goods and services thatare consumed worldwide please go tothis website.
Members of Parliament participated in theOECD Forum on Transparency and Integrity in Lobbyingheld in Paris on27-28 June. The Forum discussed how to win back trust in the decision-making process and the key challenges indesigning and implementing a system that ensures compliance in a cost-effective way. More information about theOECD work on lobbying can be foundhere.
As you may know, the OECD regularly publishes key economic and social policy analysis. For free access to all OECDpublications and data until the end of the year, please go towww.oecd-ilibrary.organd log in as follows:
Username: mp_network2013Password: mp2013Please find below a selection of the latest OECD reports and publications that may be of interest to you:
Action Plan on BaseErosion and Profit Shifting
OECD EconomicOutlook 2013
A Good Life OECD Employmentin Old Age?Outlook 2013
Art for Art’sSake?
OECD/FAO AgriculturalOutlook 2013-2022
Aid for Trade at a International MigrationGlance 2013Outlook 2013
Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have further questions, and I hope to be able to welcome you to theOECD in the near future.Yours sincerely,Jennifer Bisping

Jennifer Bisping

Deputy Head of Public AffairsCivil Society and Parliamentary LiaisonPublic Affairs and Communications Directorate
2, rue AndréPascal- 75775 Paris Cedex 16Tel: +33 1 45 24 93 26 – Mob: +33 6 14 85 04 79 - Fax: +33 1 44 30 63 46[email protected]||||||
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