Europaudvalget 2012-13, Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2012-13, Socialudvalget 2012-13
EUU Alm.del Bilag 39, BEU Alm.del Bilag 21, SOU Alm.del Bilag 36
Conference of the Chairpersons of Social Affairs Committees“Filoxenia” Conference Centre, Nicosia16-17 December 2012DRAFT PROGRAMMESunday, 16 December 2012Arrival of participants.15.00-18.0019.3020.00Registration in hotels.Departure from hotels by bus for the “Famagusta Gate”.Cultural event followed by the official dinner hosted by theChairman of House Standing Committee on Labour and SocialInsurance, Mr. Andreas Fakontis, MP,at the Famagusta Gate.Return to the hotels by bus.
22.30Monday, 17 December 201208.308.30-9.00
Departure from hotels by bus to “Filoxenia” Conference Centre.Registration of participants at the “Filoxenia” Conference Centre.Inaugural Session: EU Priorities and the Priorities of the CyprusPresidency of the Council of the EU regarding Social Affairs.
Opening address by the Chairman of the House StandingCommittee on Labour and Social Insurance, Mr. Andreas Fakontis.Address by the Minister of Labour and Social Insurance,Mrs. Soteroulla Charalambous.Debate.Coffee break.
9.2510.30 – 11.00
Session I: Development Vs Austerity: Safeguarding andpromoting social cohesion.Address by the Chairperson of the Employment and Social AffairsCommittee of the European Parliament, Mrs. Pervenche Berès.
11.2012.4012.5013.00 – 14.3015.00
Debate.End of morning session.Family photo.Lunch at “Yiasemi” restaurant (“Filoxenia” Conference Centre).Session II: Promoting greater social inclusion: Youthemployment, active ageing and solidarity between generations.Address by the Director General of the Employment, Social Affairsand Inclusion (EMPL) Directorate, European Commission,Mr. Koos Richelle.
Debate.Conclusion of the Conference.Return to the hotels by bus.
19.3020.0022.00 (approx..)
Departure from the hotels by bus for the informal dinner.Informal dinner at…..Return to the hotels by bus.
/ΓΜ/ 17.10.12