Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12
URU Alm.del Bilag 91
In partnership with
10THANNIVERSARY OF THE GLOBAL FUND TO FIGHT AIDS, TUBERCULOSIS AND MALARIA« A decade of European support to the Global Fund »CONFERENCE «10 YEARS OF PARTNERSHIP WITH THE GLOBAL FUND FOR MORE IMPACT »Draft programme(the participation of some speakers is not yet confirmed)4PM– 4.10PMOPENING- Bertrand DELANOE, MAYOR OFPARIS4.10pm–4.25pm« HOW DID THE GLOBALFUND TRANSFORM THE FIGHT AGAINST AIDS,TUBERCULOSIS AND MALARIA WITHIN10YEARS? »,Michel KAZATCHKINE,Executive Director of the Global Fund4.25pm–5.20pm ROUND TABLE« 10YEARS OF PARTNERSHIP TO REVERSE THE SPREAD OFAIDS, TUBERCULOSIS AND MALARIA»4.25pm-4.35pm« 10YEARS OF PARTNERSHIP WITH THE GLOBAL FUND FOR MORE IMPACT IN THE FIGHT AGAINSTMALARIA»,Awa COLL SECK,former Health Minister of Senegal, Executive Director, Roll Back MalariaPartnership4.35pm–4.45pm« BRIDGING RESEARCH-PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION AND PUBLIC POLICIESFOR MORE IMPACTON TUBERCULOSIS»,Lucica DITIU,Executive Director, Stop TB Partnership4.45pm–4.55pm«ACCESS TOARVTREATMENTS:PARTNERSHIP CHALLENGES»,Michel SIDIBE,ExecutiveDirector, UNAIDS4.55pm–5.05pm«PARTNERSHIPS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES:GAINS AND CHALLENGES»,Dorothée KINDEGAZARD,Health Minister of Bénin5.05pm–5.20pm Discussion5.20 pm-6.15pm DEBATE«THEGLOBALFUND:A EUROPEAN IDEA FOR INTERNATIONAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE?”,moderatedby a journalist (International Herald Tribune)------Agnes BINAGWAHO,Health Minister of RwandaHeidemarie WIECZOREK–ZEUL,former German Minister of International CooperationCharles GOERENS,former Minister of International Cooperation of Luxembourg, Member of theEuropean ParliamentMichèle BARZACH,former Health Minister of the French Republic, President of Friends of theGlobal Fund EuropeAlvaro BERMEJO,Executive Director, International AIDS AllianceChris VIEHBACHER,Chief Executive Officer, SanofiDiscussion
6.00pm-6.15pm6.15pm-6.25pm CONCLUSION
The Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and MalariaChemin de Blandonnet 8 - 1214 Vernier - Geneva Switzerland | T +41 58 791 1700 | F +41 58 791 17 01 | www.theglobalfund.orgFriends of the Global Fund Europe2 rue Cognacq-Jay - 75007 Paris France | T +33 (0)1 47 07 08 66 | F +33 (0)1 40 62 91 69 | www.afmeurope.org