Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12
URU Alm.del Bilag 47
i n t e r n at i O n a l c O n f e r e n c e
political violence, discriminatory legislation, and pa-triarchal attitudes are barriers for women’s politicalparticipation. civil society actors and researchers willaddress these challenges and develop recommenda-tions to strengthen women’s influence in countries intransition in north and sub-saharan africa.read more: konsnet.dk or afrika.dk/conference
iestrun nCoionitinsrat
tiOns fOr liticalOpmen’s pO nwOticipatiOpar
KOsmOpOlfiOlstræDe 44, 1171 cOpenHaGen K
December 8tH 2011 at 8.30-17.00

africa contact, Gendernet

and the Danish institute for Human rights with support from

KVinfO and the Danish institute for parties & Democracy [DipD]

organised by