Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12
URU Alm.del Bilag 29
Palestinian Authority incitement and demonization ofIsrael, and AntisemitismPrepared for:Foreign Affairs Committee, ParliamentCopenhagen, Denmark, Nov. 8, 2011byNan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus
Palestinian Media WatchThe Palestinian Authority (PA) continues to incite to hatred by spreading libels and bydemonizing Israelis and Jews beyond the realm of political debate. When the PA claims thatIsrael performs medical experiments on prisoners, behaves like the Nazis, that Zionism isplanning to rule the world and that the Jewish nature is evil, it is intentionally fomenting hatred.The possibility for an atmosphere of peace and reconciliation is being precluded.This policy demonstrates that the PA in Arabic has not complied with its fundamentalpreliminary commitment to stop hate incitement.
1. Israel is Nazi-likeOfficial PA daily: Israel does experiments on prisoners like Josef Mengele"[There is] an entire system called 'slow death,' which the Israeli establishment uses againstPalestinian prisoners…the Israeli jailers attempt to imitate the German Nazis, who werethe first to use prisoners as testing grounds,for testing the weapons and the deadly drugswhich they developed.The Nazi German doctor, Josef Mengele, was the most famousamong them."[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 17, 2011]Official PA daily: Israeli prisons like Nazi detention camps“Israeli doctors also carry out medical experiments on prisoners…These detentioncenters are camps dotted with tents, with each group of tents forming a wing, surrounded on allsides by a fence and guards who are armed with weapons from head to toe.They resemblethe detention camps during the Nazi period.”[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011]PA Deputy Minister of Prisoners' Affairs Ziad Abu Ein Israeli prisons worse than "theAuschwitzes of the Nazis""Israel forgets that we are now in the 21st century and thatthe conditions of our Palestinianprisoners are worse than the Auschwitzes of the Nazis,where Jewish detainees were held.If we return to the pictures of the Auschwitzes, how [Jews] were on beds and so on in theAuschwitzes - in our case, the beds were only introduced in the 1990s, and it was [only] ametal bed."[PA TV (Fatah), Oct. 6, 2011]Abdallah Zakaneh, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:"We are here because of the cruel policies, which the occupation forces use against ourbrothers and friends inthe Nazi and fascist [Israeli] prisons."
[PA TV (Fatah), Oct. 4, 2011]
Phone: 972-2-625-4140 • [email protected] • www.palwatch.org • Jerusalem, Israel
Fahed Abu Hag', director of Abu Jihad Center of the prisoners' movement:Abu Hag: "The infamous Ashkelon prison, which is known with the name as the worst anddarkest in Israel's history, is like the racist prisons, like the prison cells of the Nazis."PA TV moderator: "And maybe even worse."Abu Hag': "And maybe even worse.“[PA TV (Fatah), Oct. 8, 2011]Tayseer Khaled, member of the PLO Executive Committee:"This is a great day in the history of the Palestinian nation... for the Martyr prisoners and for theliving prisoners, who are protesting these days in the mass detention camps that Israel set up,which remind us of theNazi mass detention camps.“[PA TV (Fatah), Oct. 10, 2011]

2. Palestinian Authority Antisemitism

Sheikh Ishaq Feleifel on religion, religion section, official PA daily:Judaism is “distorted, corrupt, false religion”"The struggle between truth and falsehood is as ancient as life upon this earth... Sixty-threeyears ago, the Israeli Prime Minister, Ben Gurion, stood at the UN afterthe entire worldgranted recognition to the malignant cancerous growth known as the State of Israel...The Prime Minister of this destructive cancerous growth stood up to declare the religion of theJews in Palestine to the entire world. I hope that the [Islamic] nation will study this faith[Judaism] in order to know with certainty that theJews talk, in conferences and innegotiations, only through their distorted, corrupt, false religion... The conflict betweenus and the Jews is not a conflict about land and borders, but rather a conflict about faithand existence.”[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 3, 2011]Sheikh Ishaq Feleifel on religion, religion section, official PA daily:The Jews evil nature drawn from Cain who killed Abel"In this lesson I wanted to talk about Cain and Abel - that's the first story on earth, whose victimwas Abel, at the hands of his brother Cain - because this story shows a similarity to the Jewsand their crimes... The Jews, by throwing off their yoke, followed in the footsteps of the firstperson on earth who threw off the yoke of Allah.Their [the Jews'] evil nature is drawn fromAdam's first son [who killed his brother].”[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 13, 2011]Sheikh Ishaq Feleifel on religion, religion section, official PA daily:Zionism’s goal is “eternal rule over the world”“Zionism is an extreme religious ideology whose aim is political hegemony and thetransformation of aJewish monarchy in Palestine into a basis for their eternal rule over theworld,[and] that others, "Goyim" [non-Jews], must submit to their will, [their rule] which is drawnfrom the will of God.”[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 15, 2011]
Phone: 972-2-625-4140 • [email protected] • www.palwatch.org • Jerusalem, Israel