Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12
URU Alm.del Bilag 29
About Palestinian Media WatchPalestinian Media Watch (www.palwatch.org) is an Israeli research institute founded in 1996that studies Palestinian society and trends from a broad range of perspectives. PMW focuseson the messages that Palestinian leaders from the Palestinian Authority, Fatah and Hamasconvey to the population through the many institutions and infrastructures under their control.Using the media as a window into Palestinian society, PMW studies the leadership’s ideologies,education through school-books, religious sermons, publications, political, social and culturalactivities and more.PMW uses key indicators to determine whether the Palestinian Authority (PA) is preparing itspeople for peace or for prolonged confrontation with Israel, as well as compliance with the letterand spirit of the peace agreements. These indicators include research on Palestinian Authoritynon-recognition of Israel, incitement to hatred, promotion of violence and glorification of terror.Other areas of research include martyrs and martyrdom, children’s attitudes, women’s issues.PMW publishes its documentation and analyses in bulletins, in-depth reports, op-eds,newspaper articles, documentary films, and videos. PMW findings are also presented ingovernmental and parliamentary settings, at academic conferences, at universities and in themedia worldwide.All PMW translators are experienced Arabic language experts, and for some, Arabic is theirmother tongue. PMW translators and researchers study Palestinian society through the writtenand visual media and all have a deep understanding of the Palestinian world. PMW monitorsthe three daily Palestinian Authority newspapers, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Al-Ayyam, and Al-Quds,as well as Palestinian television.
Phone: 972-2-625-4140 • [email protected] • www.palwatch.org • Jerusalem, Israel