Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12
URU Alm.del Bilag 271
Senato della RepubblicaCommissione straordinariaper la tutela e la promozionedei diritti umani
Rome, 24 September 2012Dear colleague,I am writing to you in my capacity as both Chairperson of the Committee on Political Affairs andDemocracy of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (the Assembly) andChairperson of the Human Rights Committee of the Italian Senate.For several months now, both committees have been focusing on the relationship between foreignpolicy and human rights. In July 2012, the Human Rights Committee of the Italian Senate issued areport, the introduction to which is attached herewith. Similarly, on 11 September 2012, theCommittee on Political Affairs and Democracy of the Assembly adopted a report on “Human Rightsand Foreign Policy”, which you will also find attached, with a view to a debate during the October2012 part-session of the Parliamentary Assembly.The starting point in both reports is that, regrettably, too often in recent years, human rights havebecome part of foreign policy considerations only when situations have degenerated intohumanitarian emergencies so that the dilemma is raised as to whether to use force and takemilitary action or watch helplessly the perpetration of crimes against humanity. Can human rightsbecome instead a structural and systematic element of foreign policy so that, without neglectingany emergency that may arise, a medium to long term approach is developed so as to pre-emptthe use of force through political action? How can the recurring contradiction between principlesand interests be solved? How can a more convincing balance betweenRealpolitikand values bestruck?As a follow-up to the two reports and in particular the Resolution on “Human Rights and ForeignPolicy”, which the Assembly is due to adopt on 3 October 2012, the Italian Senate Human RightsCommittee, in cooperation with the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy of the Assembly,have decided to convene a meeting of the Chairpersons of the Foreign Affairs Committees and ofthe Human Rights Committees of the 47 Parliaments of the Council of Europe member States, aswell as the European Parliament, to address the above-mentioned questions and discuss ways toimplement the recommendations included in the Resolution at the national level.You are cordially invited to attend this conference, which will take place in Turin on Thursday13 December 2012 from 9am to 4pm. A provisional programme, as well as practical information,are attached for your information.I would be honoured, dear colleague, if you could confirm your participation in this conference. Ithank you very much in advance and look forward to welcoming you in Turin.Yours sincerely,
Pietro Marcenaro
Senato della RepubblicaCommissione straordinariaper la tutela e la promozionedei diritti umani
Turin, 13-14 December 2012
Conference on
“Human Rights and Foreign Policy”13 December 2012followed by aMeeting of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracyof the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe13-14 December 2012
Draft programme
Senato della RepubblicaCommissione straordinariaper la tutela e la promozionedei diritti umani
Wednesday 12 December 2012Arrival of participantsThursday 13 December 201208.3009.00Venue: Torino Incontra Conference CentreArrival and registrationOpening of the conference “Human Rights and Foreign Policy”Welcome by Mr Piero Fassino, Mayor of TurinAddress by:- Mr Jean-Claude Mignon, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe- Ms Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe- Mr Luigi Vitali, Chairperson of the Italian Delegation to the Parliamentary AssemblyIntroductory remarks: Mr Pietro Marcenaro, Chairperson of the Committee on Political Affairsand Democracy of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and of the HumanRights Committee of the Italian SenateModerator: Mr Luigi VitaliGuest Speakers:- Mr Giulio Terzi, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Italy- Mr Lamberto Dini, Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Senate- Mr Stavros Lambrinidis, European Union Special Representative for Human Rights- Ms Navi Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights(tbc)- Father Paolo Dall'Oglio, Italian Jesuit priest and leader of the Deir Mar Mûsa monastery in Syria10.3010.45Coffee breakDebate onHuman Rights and Foreign Policywith the participation of the Chairpersons ofthe Foreign Affairs and Human Rights Committees of the National Parliaments of Councilof Europe member StatesModerator: Mr Pietro MarcenaroBuffet lunchContinuation of the debate and conclusionsMeeting of the Committee on Political Affairs and DemocracyBoléro,Ballet by Maurice BéjartVenue: Teatro Regio, Piazza Castello, 215 1024 Turin
Senato della RepubblicaCommissione straordinariaper la tutela e la promozionedei diritti umani
Friday 14 December 201209.00Venue: Torino Incontra Conference CentreMeeting of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy (cont’d)10.3011.0013.00Coffee breakMeeting of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy (cont’d)End of the meeting
Senato della RepubblicaCommissione straordinariaper la tutela e la promozionedei diritti umani
MEETING PLACETorino Incontra Conference CentreAddress: Via Nino Costa, 8, Turin, ItalyTel.: + 39 011 5576800HOTELSBlock bookings have been made at three hotels for 2 nights, from 12 to 14 December 2012.All hotels are situated within a 5-10 min walk from the conference/meeting place.The deadline for making your reservation is the31 October 2012.



Hotel VictoriaVia Nino Costa, 4, 10123 TorinoTel. +39 011 5611909, fax +39 011 5611806http://www.hotelvictoria-torino.comBlock booking made for 30 rooms


Standard single room 120€Deluxe single room 135€Double room 160€including breakfast
Tel. +39 011 5611909 - fax +39 011 5611806mention booking code: PACEGrand Hotel SiteaVia Carlo Alberto 35, Piazza Castello, 10123 TorinoTel. +39 011.5170171 – fax +39 011.548090http://www.grandhotelsitea.itBlock booking made for 50 rooms


Superior single room 139€Deluxe DUS room 175€Deluxe double room 187€including breakfast
Tel. +39 011.5170171 - fax +39 011.548090mention booking code: PACEHotel Principe di PiemonteVia Piero Gobetti, 15, 10123 Torino (Torino Centro)Tel. +39.011.5515826 - fax +39.011.5185870www.atahotels.itBlock booking made for 30 rooms


Tel. +39 06 69646964[email protected]
Deluxe room 175€Junior Suite 195€including breakfast
mention booking code: 662430 or PACETRANSPORT BETWEEN TURIN AIRPORT AND THE CITY CENTRETaxiThe taxi journey from the airport to Turin City centre takes approx. 30 min. and costs about 35 €.The taxi stations are located right outside the arrival areas of the terminals.More information on arrangements for transport to follow.