TheDanish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)andDanish Institute for Parties andDemocracy (DIPD)in cooperation with theDanish Egyptian Dialogue Institute (DEDI)have thepleasure of inviting you to a seminar on:Political Parties in Democratic Transitions:
What Way forward in Egypt?
Thursday, 27 September 2012, 13.00-16.00
Mogens Dahl Koncert SalSnorresgade 222300 København SBackground
During transitional periods, political parties have to make the political system work and start todeliver on some of the expectations that the public has invested in them. The Egyptian politicalparties are facing a lot of challenges. The electoral process showed that there was a demand forcapacity development, especially among the newly established parties. The political party map ofEgypt is still in state of flux with new parties emerging. Furthermore, the political parties aredistracted by the ongoing power struggle between the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF),the Muslim Brotherhood and the revolutionaries. What will be the answers of the political partiesto these challenges - what way will they take in this process?The study “Political Parties and Democratic Transitions” made for DIPD by Global Partners &Associates shows interesting findings from the transitions in Indonesia, Turkey, Serbia and SouthAfrica that might be relevant for the political parties in Egypt and in other transition countries suchas Myanmar. The publication shows that despite every country and every transition has its owndistinctiveness, four themes emerge that reflect the common, often very practical challenges forparties: building a political organization, establishing constructive dialogue between politicalparties, negotiating space for democratic politics with the former regime, and responding to andshaping voter expectations.Speakers
Greg Power,Director, Global PartnersNoha El-Mikawy,Representative, Ford Foundation, CairoAmr Hamzawy,Founding member, Egypt Freedom PartyAmr Darrag,Member of Parliament, Freedom and Justice Party (Tbc)Bjørn Førde,Director, DIPDHelle Malmvig,Senior Researcher, DIISProgramme
More details about the speakers and the seminar are available on ourwebsite.Practical Information
The seminar will be held inEnglish.Participation isfree of charge,butregistration is required.Please use ouronline registration formno later thanTuesday, 25 September 2012 at 12.00 noon.