Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12
URU Alm.del Bilag 248

27 July 2012GAVI Alliance Partners’ Forum
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 4-7 December 2012
Honourable Per Stig Møller,On behalf of the GAVI Alliance and the Government of The United Republic of Tanzania, it is ourpleasure to invite the Foreign Affairs Committee to nominate up to two delegates to participate asdistinguished guests and active participants at the GAVI’s Partners’ Forum taking place in Dar esSalaam, Tanzania on 4-7 December 2012.In the Millennium Development Goals countdown to 2015, equitable access to vaccines promisesto significantly accelerate progress on women and children health and advance socioeconomicdevelopment. With GAVI Alliance support, developing countries are making important progress inintroducing life-saving vaccines faster than ever before and in reaching the unreached. At thiscritical time, the Partners’ Forum will provide the opportunity to strengthen the collaborationamong GAVI partners and stakeholders, and catalyse the implementation of the Global VaccineAction Plan endorsed at the May 2012 World Health Assembly.The forum, hosted in Dar es Salaam by the Tanzanian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, willgather more than 500 distinguished global health leaders from developing and donor countries,civil society organisations, technical experts and private sector partners. A special“Parliamentarian Programme” has been designed to optimise the participation of Members ofParliament, to interact with special guests such as fellow parliamentarians from around the world,Dr. Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank, Mrs. Gra§a Machel as well asMinisters of Finance and Ministers of Heath. Emphasis will be placed on partnerships forinnovation, equity, accountability and sustainability. For more details, please see attached aconcept note and the draft programme specially designed for parliamentarians. Please note thata special field visit to Arusha, home of the East African Legislative Assembly, is planned for allparliamentarians on Tuesday 4 December 2012.The GAVI Alliance might be in a position to cover the cost of flights to Tanzania. Please contactus if you would require this option. Four nights accommodation, meals and local transportationwill be covered for all participants. A smallper diemfor incidentials will be provided onsite.We hope that delegates from the Danish Parliament will be in a position to participation in theForum and active contribute to its deliberations. We would be grateful if you could confirm yourCommittee’s participation by sending an email to[email protected]by 14September 2012 with the names of the delegates. Subsequent registration information will besent following that, as well as the full programme for the Partners Forum.We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you in Tanzania!Yours sincerely,
Dagfinn HøybråtenBoard ChairGAVI Alliance
Seth Berkley MDChief Executive OfficerGAVI Alliance
Honorable Dr. Hussein Ali MwinyiMinister of Health and Social WelfareRepublic of Tanzania