Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12
URU Alm.del Bilag 248
26 July 2012



Concept note

1. Introduction

As part of the GAVI Partners Forum 2012, GAVI is inviting Members of Parliaments (MPs)from donor, potential donor and implementing countries to take part in a special programmeduring the event. The GAVI Partners’ Forum, hosted by the Government of Tanzania, willenable discussions on the role of immunisation in achieving the health MDGs, reviewlessons learned and allow participants to share best practices. The event will gatherdistinguished Ministers and global health leaders and a wide range of international delegatesfrom GAVI-eligible countries and from donor countries, representatives of civil societyorganisations, technical experts and private sector partners.

2. Objectives

Provide Parliamentarians with a better knowledge of GAVI, vaccines andimmunisationHelp foster MP’s commitment to advocate for GAVI, vaccines and immunisation andincreased MP engagement and oversight of national immunisation programmesBuild a network of national and regional advocates, to ensure political and financialsupport for immunisation in donor and implementing countries,Facilitate a forum for dialogue around immunisation among donor and implementingcountry MPsMPs from graduating countries are empowered to achieve sustainable immunisationfinancingInfluential MPs to be at the hub of further parliamentary and budgetary action forsustainable immunisation financing

3. Invitees to take part in the MP delegation

Key MPs from GAVI donor, potential donor and implementing countries should be invited toensure a representative delegation. The delegation should also reflect GAVI diversity (e.g.region, language, gender). The delegation could potentially be composed of:o10-15 MPs from donor and potential donor countrieso15-20 MPs from GAVI countriesoTotal 25-35 MPsThe MP delegation is expected to nominate two spokespersons for the delegation for eachday of the programme. It is foreseen that the spokespersons will initially speak on behalf ofthe delegation at meetings and events, and thereafter open the floor for the other delegatesto speak. The spokespersons will receive speaking points to assist them in this task inadvance of the different meetings.

4. Expectations for the MP delegation

The MPs attending the Partners Forum are expected to attend all events foreseen in the MPprogramme, participate in finalising an MP declaration, participate in panels and workshopsof their choosing and championing immunisation and GAVI upon return to their capitals. Thelatter includes: reporting to their respective Committees and Ministers; introducingparliamentary declarations and resolutions in support of immunisation; speaking out inplenary debates and to CSOs on vaccine and immunisation financing issues; blogging orcommunicating via social media and/or through traditional media articles on theirexperiences at the Forum; proposing new or updated vaccine legislation; personallyparticipating in immunisation / GAVI activities.

5. MP session at Partners Forum (See draft programme in Annex)

A Special High Level Panel has been foreseen during the Partners Forum to take place onFriday 7 December. The idea behind the Special Session is to identify and debateParliamentarian and Ministries' perspectives on co-financing and sustainability from bothNorth and South viewpoints. It could be foreseen that the panellists also share best practicesand challenges facing their respective countries. The Special Session could potentially be a“Davos style” debate, with a moderator, followed by Q&A session. It could be foreseen thatthere are 6-8 high-level representatives on a panel. These could be 2 MPs (“North” and“South”); 2 Ministers of Finance from GAVI countries; 1 or 2 Ministers / High-level GAVIdonor representatives; 1 or 2 Ministers of Health from GAVI countries. The duration of thesession will be 1.5 hours.Please note that the programme includes additional sessions for Parliamentarians only.

6. MP Declaration at Partners Forum

It is foreseen that the MP delegation prepares and finalises a written declaration e.g.reaffirming their support for GAVI, new vaccines and country ownership of immunisationprogrammes; call for action on maternal and child health; call for increased funding toimmunisation; reference to other declarations or strategies (e.g UNSG); etc. (TBD). Theoutcome document will be prepared by a drafting committee composed of 3-4 MPs.

7. Budget outline

GAVI has a limited budget for parliamentary engagement at the Partners Forum. GAVI willbe able to cover the travel of up to 30 MPs. A small per diem will be provided to thedelegates. Accommodation, transport costs, lunches and dinners that are part of the officialprogramme, and costs for renting meeting venues will be covered by GAVI.________________



Monday 3 December 2012 – Arusha

Day19:00-21:00Arrival of delegation in Arusha, pick-up at airport and check-in at hotel TBDInformal welcome dinner

Tuesday 4 December 2012 – Arusha

07:00-08:00All dayEveningInformal breakfast briefing about the programme for the ForumField visits in rural areasFlight to Dar es Salaam, pick-up at airport and check-in at hotel Serena

Wednesday 5 December 2012 – Dar es Salaam

10:00-12:0012:30-14:0014:00-15:00AfternoonEveningGAVI briefing meeting with Alliance partners: WHO, UNICEF, WBLunch with members of Parliament of TanzaniaSabin Vaccine Institute special session, open to all delegatesDelegation is invited to organise bilateral meetings with their respectiveEmbassies or other representatives at their discretionOpening Ceremony of GAVI Alliance Partners Forum

Thursday 6 December 2012 – Dar es Salaam

Morning12:30-13:3014:00-16:00AfternoonEveningDelegation to attend Partners Forum sessions of choiceLunch with GAVI leadershipFinalisation of draft Declaration(Drafting Committee members only)Delegation to attend Partners Forum sessions of choicePartners Forum Awards dinner

Friday 7 December 2012 – Dar es Salaam

Morning12:00-13:30Delegation to attend Partners Forum sessions of choiceSpecial session with Ministers of Finance/Ministers of Health onsustainable immunisation financingDelegation to attend Partners Forum sessions of choiceMembers of Parliament statement at closing ceremonyEveningDeparture - Transport to airport

Saturday 8 December 2012 – Dar es Salaam

DayDeparture - Transport to airport