Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12
URU Alm.del Bilag 225
Fra:Jette Kristensen [mailto:[email protected]]På vegne afDIIS KonferencesektionSendt:8. juni 2012 14:20Emne:DIIS seminar 15 June "Iran, Israel and International Law - Who Has the Right to Self-defence?"
TheDanish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)and the Center for International Law andJustice at University of Copenhagen have the pleasure to invite you to a seminar on:
Iran, Israel and International Law – Who Has the Right to Self-defence?Friday, 15 June 2012, 14.15-16.00University of CopenhagenLecture hall “Anneks B”,Studiegården, Studiestræde 6,1455 Copenhagen K


An international lawyer once remarked that international law is no suicide pact – it provides stateswith an inherent right to self-defence. In the relationship between Israel and Iran the exercise ofthis right to self defence is increasing at the center of the debate: Could Israel, in accordance withinternational law, launch an attack on Iran to thwart alleged efforts to build nuclear weapons? Orwould this be a violation of the UN Charter? Conversely, can Iran make a case of self-defence torespond to the cyber attack its nuclear power plants have been exposed to? Does the computerworm “Stuxnet” give rise to claims of self-defence? And where has the Obama administrationpositioned itself on these matters? How much space is there for international law in this situation?These and related questions will be discussed during the seminar. There will be two briefpresentations and ample time for questions from the audience and discussion.This seminar is part of a seminar series focusing on the role of international law and politics in theArab Spring. The next seminar will take place after the summer.


Anders Henriksen,Associate Professor, University of CopenhagenMartin Mennecke,Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen

Practical Information

The seminar will be held inEnglish.Participation isfree of charge,butregistration is required.Please usethis link for registrationnolater than

Thursday, 14 June 2012 at 12.00.


Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

The Conference SectionStrandgade 56DK-1401 Copenhagen KDenmark
Feel free to forward this invitation to others with a potential interest in the seminar.For other public DIIS meetings, please visit our website onwww.diis.dk.If you did not receive this invitation directly from DIIS and wish to receive invitations to futureevents at DIIS, please use the following link:www.diis.dk/sw7899.aspIf you no longer wish to receive invitations directly from DIIS, please send an e-mail about this to[email protected](and please remember to state your name and organisation).Please note that DIIS is not responsible for invitations forwarded to you by others.