Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2011-12
URU Alm.del Bilag 215, UPN Alm.del Bilag 237
Anthropological Research on the EgyptianParliamentary Elections 2011 and 2012During the autumn and winter of 2011/2012 the Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute and the al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies have conducted anthropological research on theparliamentary elections and the election processes in Egypt.The research has included field research in eight constituencies and the findings have constitutedthe base for a description of the recent political history of the constituencies and thereby createda base for an evaluation of the results of the post-revolutionary elections, with a special focus onthe performance of the new political parties: Central has been the question of how these partiescoped when encountering the established local political or electoral cultures.The research has been carried out by a team of seven young Egyptian researchers, under thesupervision of the Danish anthropologist HC Korsholm Nielsen.The unique findings and the evaluations of the results are now ready to be presented, thereforethe group will be visiting Denmark during the end of May/early June, to take part in a workshop onthe development of new democracies at the University of Aarhus and at the Danish Institute forParties and Democracy. During the visit the group will also visit Folketinget and in thatconnections it is suggested that some of the results are presented to the Foreign PolicyCommittee. We envision four presentations each of five to ten minutes, so that the meeting willtake approximately one hour, including questions etc.Proposed date: Thursday 31st of May in the morning (the group will arrive in Denmark on Mondaythe 28th of May and depart on the 2nd of June, the workshop at the University of Aarhus isscheduled for the Tuesday 29th and 30th (morning))
The four presentations:HC Korsholm Nielsen: Introduction + Aswan Governorate (Rural area, tribalism, the newconstituencies)Ziad Akl: Qalubiyyah Governorate (Rural area in the Delta, the importance of “place” – thecandidates as regional representatives)Muhammad Shehata: Suez Governorate (Provincial city, much influenced by recent migration fromthe rural areas, central for the revolution, one of the places where the salafi movement has beenvery successful during the elections)Nagwa Muhammad: Menufiyyah Governorate (Rural area in the Delta, the importance of familiesin elections, the continuous influence of the Sadat family, the fall of the NDP)The two last speakers will present in Arabic – simultaneous translation will be available.best regards
Jakob ErleDirector