Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12
URU Alm.del Bilag 212
Fra:Jette Kristensen [mailto:[email protected]]På vegne afDIIS KonferencesektionSendt:16. maj 2012 15:32Emne:DIIS seminar 25 May "Changes in the North Africa & Middle East - Tunisia's Transition toDemocracy"
TheDanish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)and theUniversity of Copenhagenhavethepleasure of inviting you to a seminar withTunisia’s Minister for Foreign Affairsand theDanish Minister for Development Cooperationon:
Changes in the North Africa & Middle East –Tunisia’s Transition to DemocracyFriday, 25 May 2012, 9.45-12.00University of CopenhagenNjalsgade 120Building 22, room 011(Entrance from Emil Holms Kanal/Njalsgade).BackgroundSince the popular uprising in December 2010, Tunisia has undergone dramatic political changes.After the first ever free and fair elections in October 2011, a coalition government headed by theEnnahda party was formed and is currently responsible for addressing some of Tunisia’s manypolitical and economic challenges and potentials.The seminar will explore the nature and current status of the potentials and challenges that Tunisiafaces in its transition to democracy – as well as the ways and means by which foreign actors such asDenmark and the European Union can address and support the transition process.Programme09.45-10.3010.30-10.3510.35-10.55Arrival and CoffeeWelcomeRikke Hostrup Haugbølle,PhD Student, University of CopenhagenTunisia’s Transition to Democracy: Current Status, Challenges andPotentialsRafik Ben Abdessalem,Tunisian Minister for Foreign Affairs and member of theEnnahda PartyChanges in the North Africa and Middle East: Impressions One YearAfterChristian Friis Bach,Danish Minister for Development Cooperation and memberof the Social Liberal PartyQuestions from the Audience
Moderator:Julie Pruzan-Jørgensen,Project Researcher, DIIS
Practical InformationThe seminar will be held inEnglish.Participation isfree of charge,butregistration is required.Please note that the doors will be closed at 10.30. Entry to the auditorium will not bepossible during the seminar.Please register by mail to[email protected]by writing“Tunisia”in the subject line andyour name and institution, no later thanWednesday, 23 May at 12.00.Sincerely,Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)The Conference SectionStrandgade 56DK-1401 Copenhagen KDenmarkPh. (+45) 32 69 87 51Fax (+45) 32 69 87 00E-mail:[email protected]Web:www.diis.dkFeel free to forward this invitation to others with a potential interest in the seminar.For other public DIIS meetings, please visit our website onwww.diis.dk.If you did not receive this invitation directly from DIIS and wish to receive invitations to futureevents at DIIS, please use the following link:www.diis.dk/sw7899.aspIf you no longer wish to receive invitations directly from DIIS, please send an e-mail about this to[email protected](and please remember to state your name and organisation).Please note that DIIS is not responsible for invitations forwarded to you by others.