Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12
URU Alm.del Bilag 208
The Algerian Embassy in Copenhagen
May 2012
PRESS REVIEW ON:THEALGERIANLEGISLATIVEELECTIONS10TH OFMAY2012Results reflect national political landscape
1. The legislative elections were organized in Algeria, on May 10th, 2012. In order to electthe members of the National Popular Assembly (Lower House) of the Parliament.2. During these elections, 21.664.345 voters, including 990.470 voters living abroad (4.57%), were called to elect the 462 members of the National Popular Assembly (LowerHouse) of the Parliament.3. The global rate of participation in the elections of May 10th, 2012 reached 43.14%, whilethat of the 2007 was 36.51%.4. The voters have chosen their representatives in the Parliament among 24 916candidates (among which 7.700 women), distributed on 2038 lists which represent 44political parties and 186 independent lists.5. The legislative elections of May 10 were marked by the victory of the National LiberationFront Party (FLN), which was close to absolute majority in the newly-elected People’sNational Assembly by winning 221 seats out of 462.Announced Friday by the Minister of Interior and Local Authorities Daho Ould Kablia,preliminary results showed the FLN taking the lead with 221 seats, far ahead of theNational Democratic Rally (RND) which has secured 70 seats.Green Algeria Alliance (AAV) ranked third with 47 seats, followed by the Socialist ForcesFront (FFS, 21 seats), and the Workers Party (PT, 17 seats).1
The Algerian Embassy in Copenhagen
May 2012
These results, confirmed by the Constitutional Council, are summarized in the tablebelow:N�010203040506070809101112131415161718192021Political PartyNational Liberation Front PartyNational Democratic RallyAlliance of Green AlgeriaSocialist Forces FrontIndependentsWorkers’ PartyAlgerian National FrontEl Adala PartyAlgerian Popular MovementEl Fadjr El Jadid PartyFront of ChangeNational Party of Solidarity and DevelopmentNational Republican AllianceNational Front for the Social JusticeAhd 54Union of Social Democratic ForcesAlgerian RallyEl Moustakbel FrontNational Movement of HopeRepublican Patriotic RallyMovement of Free CitizensNumber of seats2217047211917090706050404030303030202020202Number ofwomen elected692515070510030102010101010000020100000101
The Algerian Embassy in Copenhagen
May 2012
Youth PartyEnnour El Djazairi PartyEl Karama PartyAlgerian Renewal PartyEl Infitah movementNational Front for the ConcordNational Democratic Front
6. The 2012 parliamentary elections were distinguished by a record number of women,who have won 148 seats (32.03%) of the 462. In the legislative elections of 2007,women won 31 seats (7%) out of 389.FLN’s women candidates got the largest number as they have secured 69 of the 221seats won by the party. Those of the National Democratic Rally (RND) came secondwith 25 seats.Women who competed in the election under the banner of the Green Algeria Alliance(AAV), made up of the Society for Peace Movement (MSP), El-Islah and Ennahda, havesecured 15 seats.Those representing the Workers’ Party (PT) have won 10 seats out of the party’s 17seats.The rate of 32.03% of women in the new Algerian parliament has been achievedthrough the revision of the constitution in 2008 and the adoption of a new law onwomen’s representation in elected assemblies in February 2012, initiated by thePresident of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika.This new rate has allowed to Algeria to pass from the 122ndto the 25thin the WorldRanking of Women in National Parliaments. Therefore Algeria has obtained the mostimportant rate in the Middle East and North Africa region and also the countries aroundthe Mediterranean.Arab and foreign press said on Friday that the rate of participation in Algeria elections islarge, in light of predictions of experts about the reluctance of citizen to vote, adding thatthe results of legislative elections in 2007 noticed a lower percentage, although theconditions were normal.Arab Online websitesays that "the elections Algeria escapes from falling into theboycott, especially as Islamists were sure of taking the power, adding that the Algerian3
The Algerian Embassy in Copenhagen
May 2012
government won the bet of citizens' participation in the legislative elections that tookplace Thursday and that exceeded the rate of participation in the last election, as theperiod to vote in one third of polling centers, noting that the rate of participationin thelegislative elections noticed a substantial rise" .Agence France-Pressethinks that "The Algerian government won a bet of theparticipation rate which exceeded that of the last elections, adding that the biggestchallenge in these elections, for both the authorities and the parties is mobilizing votersto give their votes, given the low participation of voters 2007 legislative elections, whichnoticed a boycott rate of 64%".The French "Le Point"talked about the doubts of Algerians in the rate of participationin "the first elections held in Algeria since the Arab spring," considered that this result as"the pride of the Algeria's official ", noting that the participation rate, which reached42.9% is better than the rate of 2007.7. The geopolitical situation in the Maghreb region, following the "Arab Spring", the violentchanges of regimes in some neighboring countries, and worrying instability in southernAlgeria, have made these elections monitored by the International opinion.These elections were monitored by over 500 international observers, including 164observers from the European Union, 200 from the African Union, 132 from the Leagueof Arab States, 7 from the United Nations, 18 from the Organization of the IslamicConference and 8 observers from the NGOs NDI and Carter.
8.The international reactions:These elections were conducted generally in serenity, in spite of incidents classified asminor by the international observers and their results were welcomed by theInternational Community.
UN Secretary-General congratulates Algeria on parliamentary elections:
The Secretary-General "has been following the recent legislative elections in Algeria closelyand, upon the request of the Government, has deployed a high-level panel to the country to4
The Algerian Embassy in Copenhagen
May 2012
follow the electoral process and keep him abreast of the latest developments," thespokesperson for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said in a statement."He congratulates the people and the Government of Algeria for the peaceful manner inwhich the 10 May elections for the People’s National Assembly were held and welcomesthe increase in the representation of women in the new Parliament.""The Secretary-General encourages the Government of Algeria and all political parties inthe country to cooperate in an inclusive and peaceful manner to contribute to theimplementation of the political and constitutional reforms and strengthen the democraticprocess in Algeria," the statement stressed."The Secretary-General reiterates the continued commitment of the United Nations tosupporting Algeria’s efforts for socio-economic development and democratic reforms."The poll was"free,transparent, fair and equitable,"said the AU mission:
The head of the observer mission of the African Union (AU) Joaquim Alberto Chissano,former President of Mozambique, said that the election was generally conducted in "calmand serenity". The AU mission, who made comments about the conduct of the electoralprocess, stressed that the election was free and fair and welcomed the measures taken inpolling stations nationwide.Among the missions of observation monitoring the legislative elections, the AU mission with200 observers, has the largest number of observers. This mission includes members of thePan-African Parliament and African national parliaments as well as African ambassadors tothe African Union (AU) and heads of electoral bodies.
US congratulates Algeria following legislative elections:
The Algerian Embassy in Copenhagen
May 2012
WASHINGTON (United States) - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Saturdaycongratulated the Algerian people following the parliamentary elections, whileexpressing wishes to boost relations between the United States and Algeria.Press StatementHillary Rodham ClintonSecretary of StateWashington, DCMay 12, 2012I would like to congratulate the people of Algeria on this week's elections. The Governmentof Algeria invited international and non-governmental organizations to send observationmissions and conducted elections that provided the Algerian people with the opportunity toexpress their will. These elections -- and the high number of women elected -- are awelcome step in Algeria's progress toward democratic reform. The United States looksforward to working together with the newly elected National Popular Assembly and tocontinuing to strengthen our ties with the government and the people of Algeria.
#SecClinton:The U.S. looks forward to continuing to strengthen our ties with thegovernment and people of#Algeria. http://algiers.usembassy.gov/
#SecClinton:The United States looks forward to working with the newly electedNational Popular Assembly in#Algeria.6
The Algerian Embassy in Copenhagen
May 2012
#SecClinton:These elections -- and the high number of#womenelected -- are awelcome step in#Algeria'sprogress toward democratic reform.
#SecClinton:I would like to congratulate the people of#Algeriaon this week'selections.
London hails parliamentary elections in Algeria:
Foreign Secretary William Hague has congratulated the people of Algeria on the conduct ofthe elections and the progress they represent.Speaking following the Algeria parliamentary elections, he said:"I congratulate the people of Algeria on the conduct of these elections and welcome theAlgerian government’s decision to allow EU observers for the first time. Over the pastsixteen months people across North Africa have clearly expressed their desire for greateropenness and accountability, and it is encouraging that the Algerian authorities haveresponded in this positive way. I particularly welcome the greater representation of womenin the new parliament, in line with Algeria's recent reforms."I hope this progress will lead to further reforms in the forthcoming discussion ofconstitutional change, and in the run up to the local elections later this year and thePresidential elections in 2014. The UK has a good relationship with Algeria and I amconfident that British Parliamentarians will seek to further strengthen ties with their newlyelected Algerian counterparts."
The Algerian Embassy in Copenhagen
May 2012
Legislative elections 2012: Voting "normally" taking place, says EU ChiefObserver:Jose Ignacio Salafranca, Chief of the EU mission, with 140 observers, welcomed "goodconditions" that have marked the progress of the electoral process in Algeria.The EU mission has identified initiatives to "enhance transparency of the electoral process"as part of political reforms, calling for "deepening" these initiatives to build trust amongcitizens.Moreover, the EU mission has praised the "good organization" of the poll which was held ina serene atmosphere, wishing, however, that "other transparency measures are taken".Unlike other observation missions, the mission of EU observers will stay until June inAlgeria as part of the method of election monitoring by the EU which provides a deploymentbefore, during and after elections.In their joint statement on the elections in Algeria, the European Union High RepresentativeCatherine Ashton and Commissioner Mr Štefan Füle said: "We consider these elections tobe a step forward in the reform process which started in April 2011 in Algeria, expected tobe concluded by a revision of the Constitution later this year to consolidate democracy andthe rule of law in line with the legitimate expectations of the Algerian people", the EUstatement said.
France’s reaction :The statement made by the Ministry Spokesman of Foreign and European Affairs onSaturday, May 12th, 2012 on the results of the elections in Algeria:"The results of the Algerian elections were proclaimed. It is the new legislature which opensin Algeria.As we noted it yesterday, this poll took place in a globally calmed climate.We also note that the choice of the voters is going to allow a representation veryappreciably greater of the women in the new assembly.France wishes that these elections contribute to the consolidation and to the deepening ofthe process of reforms announced by the President Bouteflika and waited by the greatmajority of the Algerians. In mind of the friendship and the exceptional relations betweenour two countries, France wishes that this new legislature is the opportunity to developmore still our bilateral relations and our cooperation in all the domains. "
Legislative elections: Algeria avoided the "shocks of Arabic spring"(Russian official) :8
The Algerian Embassy in Copenhagen
May 2012
"Algeria’sparliamentary election demonstrated that the country avoided the shocksof the Arab Spring", Russian presidential envoy for cooperation with Africancountries Mikhail Margelov said Saturday.Mr. Mikhail Margelov considered that the results of the Algerian election demonstrated thatthe Islamist extremism “enjoyed no support on behalf of the Algerian” explaining thisattitude by the experience lived by the Algerian people during the 90s. "In 1988, Algeria hadknown the similar events than those lived recently by nearby countries and the impact ofwhich was dramatic " by underlining that the emergence in Algeria of the Islamist sphereand the years of terrorism which followed each other have cost to the country the tens ofthousands deaths "before adding that " the souvenir of these events remains lively in thecollective memory of the Algerian people" and that it " has protect them against the shockshaving shaken certain Arab countries".Tunisia’s reaction:Tunisia greeted on Saturday "the success" of the legislative elections in Algeria and hopedthat the elected parliament works to bring the peoples of the Maghreb closer, according to acommuniqué of the presidency. Tunisia followed with a lot of satisfaction the legislativeelections in Algeria which took place in a serene climate, indicated the Presidency.The presidency said that they are "convinced that the next parliament works to bring closermore (...) within the framework of the big Maghreb as high as the aspiration of the peoplesin more complementarily and prosperity”.China’s reaction:China greeted, on Monday, May 14th, the success of the legislative elections in Algeria "Wesupport the positive efforts of Algeria to promote the political reform and protect the socialstability", affirmed a Spokesman of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Hong Lei, during a pressconference. Calling back the strategic cooperation between both countries, Mr. Lei hasspecified that his country is inclined to collaborate with Algeria in order to strengthen morethe bilateral friendly cooperation".Italy’s reaction:Italy congratulated the "good progress" of the elections and "the decision of the Algerianauthorities to welcome observers' big mission of the EU", indicated Italian Minister of9
The Algerian Embassy in Copenhagen
May 2012
Foreign Affairs, Giulio Terzi. It "confirmed the commitment of Algiers to promote thetransparency and the opening", he underlined.
Spain’s reaction:"Thanks God!” It is by this surprising formula that José Manuel Garcia-Margallo, SpanishMinister of Foreign Affairs, commented on the outcome of the Algerian legislative election."Thanks God, the very important breakthrough of the Islamists did not take place as didannounced", he said, on Monday, May 14th2012, during a press conference in Brussels,according to comments reported by the Agency Europe Press. Mr. Garcia-Margalloexpressed himself at the conclusion of a meeting with his European counterparts.According to him, no considerable incident was registered during these elections. Heunderlined that the European observers deployed during the elections registered noconsiderable incident. He also noted the "relatively high" rate of participation compared withthose registered in the previous elections. The Spanish Minister called “the European Unionto make an effort to facilitate“ the democratic process in Algeria.
Portugal’s reaction:The Portuguese Government congratulated the authorities and the Algerian people for thetransparency which marked the progress of the legislative election of May 10th, byrepeating its availability to strengthen the bilateral relations between Algiers and Lisbon."The Portuguese Government congratulates the authorities and the Algerian population onthe transparent way with which took place the legislative election in Algeria on May 10th ofthis year ", indicated a communiqué published by the Portuguese Government.The Portuguese Government considered that these elections "translate the commitmentand the determination of the population and the Algerian authorities in the consolidation ofthe process of construction of a democratic, pluralistic and just society".
Qatar "greet results of the electoral operation":According to certain international media and the Qatari news agency, the State of Qatarhas qualified the Algerian election of May 10th, 2012 of "important step in the enrichment ofthe democratic process in the country", and has greeted the electoral process. A source ofthe Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, quoted by QNA, greeted the progress of the electoraloperation and considered it as "honest and transparent".
The Algerian Embassy in Copenhagen
May 2012
The OIC Secretary General congratulates the President and the Peopleof Algeria for the successful completion of the Legislative Elections heldon 10 May 2012:The team of observers from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation monitored, onThursday 10 May 2012, the Legislative Elections of Algeria.After monitoring the elections in a number of polling stations, the OIC observers noted withsatisfaction that the Algerian elections were held in an organized, transparent and peacefulmanner. The group has not recorded irregularities or violations of the Algerian Election Lawand Regulations.The OIC observers conveyed the congratulations of Secretary General EkmeleddinIhsanoglu to the President and the People of Algeria for holding successful and democraticelections which constitute an important and decisive step towards strengthening democracyin Algeria and will contribute building a prosperous future for this nation.
Arab League labels Algeria polls 'free, transparent':The head of an Arab League observers' mission, Hanafi Wadjih, declared that there hadbeen a "free and transparent election where the Algerian people have expressed theirchoice without coercion."The Arab League hailed the Algerian parliamentary polls as free, democratic, transparentand credible.
In a statement, the Arab League praised facilities offered to the observer by Algerianauthorities, which, it said, had lived up to their pledges.It said the polls had seen a competition free of attempts to influence the will of voters or anymalpractice to mar the progress of voting.The statement praised preparation, noting that Algerian authorities had created an"objective" atmosphere to complete the electoral process in a climate of freedom andfairness without interference by the government.It congratulated Algeria for "this milestone achievement in Algeria's march towards reformsthat meet the aspirations of its people."