Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2011-12, Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12
UPN Alm.del Bilag 203, URU Alm.del Bilag 188
Extended Biography for Mr. Wais Ahmad BarmakDeputy Minister, ProgrammesMr. Wais Ahmad Barmak is an MSc graduate (Development Studies) from the School of
Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London, UK. Prior to holding thispost-graduate degree, he obtained a BSc degree, with Honours in Architecture, from theDepartment of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University.
Mr. Barmak is currently Deputy Minister, Programmes for Ministry of Rural Rehabilitationand Development (MRRD). Before his appointment in this position, he served as themore than two years responsible for the programme’s overall management andleadership with USD 285 million in annual funding.Executive Director of the National Solidarity Programme (NSP) executed by the MRRD for
Until October 2006, Mr. Barmak was Senior Advisor/Chief Coordinator of the National
Rural Access Programme (NRAP), where he was responsible for the programme’smanagement and supervision on behalf of two executing ministries i.e. MRRD andMinistry of Public Works. In particular, he supervised overall programme activities,facilitated the approval of programme resources and funds through the programme
Steering Committee, developed the master plan for a national network of village roads,monitored programme implementation, and maintained positive relations with donororganizations such as WB, DFID, EC, JSDF, and USAID.
Mr. Barmak commenced his work with the MRRD in September 2004 as a Senior Advisoron Capacity Development and Programmes. In this capacity he was responsible fordeveloping and supervising strategic organizational development plans and budgetand evaluation framework for MRRD. To maintain programmes operational transparencyand accountability he was responsible to oversee that all MRRD contracts signed withthe donors would comply with the government regulations and procedures.He prepared reports for submission to the government Ministries and donors. He alsoserved as Acting Deputy Minister in the past years, in the absence of Deputy Minister,Programmes.planning guidelines. Mr. Barmak has played significant role in developing monitoring
Before joining MRRD, Mr. Barmak was Senior Advisor to the Department of DisasterManagementPolicy/Programme Officer with the Programme, Policy, and Planning Unit in UNAMA inKabul. He also worked as Programme Officer and Deputy Regional Coordination Officerfor the United Nations Coordinator’s Office (UNCO) for Afghanistan in Kabul. WhileMr. Wais Ahmad BarmakDeputy Minister, ProgrammesExtended Biography
working with the UN Coordinator’s Office in Kabul, he was Officer-in-Charge/AreaSecurity Coordinator for all UN agencies at difficult times during 2001.
From 1996 to 1998, Mr. Barmak worked as Senior Programme Officer for ACBAR in
Kabul, responsible for ensuring the coordination of NGO activities and the facilitation ofliaison activities with central line ministries. Promoting coordination in operational areasgave Mr. Barmak invaluable experience.
In the early days of his professional career, Mr. Barmak worked as Administrative Officer
for the UN Coordinator’s Office for Afghanistan in Kabul. In this position he wasresponsible for financial and personnel management of UNDP and UNOCHA in Kabul. Heassisted the UNDP DRR (O) in planning and management of the day-to-day activities of
the UNDP through substantive liaison with almost all levels of the governmentauthorities in Kabul. He was also engaged in facilitating the discussions and meetingsbetween the leadership of the Islamic State of Afghanistan and the UN seniordelegations to ensure arrangements for the smooth power transfer to the interimadministration concluded by the involved political groups and parties at Bonn, Germanyin December 2001. Mr Barmak has played a significant role in coordinating the provisionof humanitarian assistance to the disasters affected and needy people of Afghanistanbetween 1996 and 2003 with ACABR and the UN system. Mr. Barmak’s professionalcareer started with MSFF and ICRC back in 1993.
In addition to his formal academic qualifications, Mr. Barmak has participated in
numerous national and international conferences, workshops and training courses in thefields of: Management and Accountancy; Afghan Executive Development programme;Response in a Complex Political Emergencies; Emergency Responses; Human RightsPeace Building and Conflict Resolution in the Post-conflict Countries; HumanitarianDevelopment; Leadership Development; Development Planning; and Disaster Responses.
In the course of his study, training, and workshop attendance he has travelledextensively to countries such as Malaysia, Pakistan, South Korea, UK, USA, Tajikistan,Thailand, Sera Lanka, Switzerland, Norway, Austria and India.