Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12
URU Alm.del Bilag 173
Franz Thönnes, MdB
Georg Schirmbeck, MdB
Parliamentary State Secretary (rtd)Member of the Budget CommitteeMember of the Foreign Affairs CommitteeChairman of the German-Polish Parliamentary Friendship GroupChairman of the German-Nordic Parliamentary Friendship GroupAudit Committee SpokesmanMember of the Standing Committee of theBaltic Sea Parliamentary Conference
Dr. Christel Happach-Kasan, MdB
Bernhard Kaster, MdB
Member of the Committee onMember of the Committee on Scrutiny of Elections,Food, Agriculture and Consumer ProtectionImmunity and the Rules of ProcedureChair of the German-Baltic Parliamentary Friendship Group Chairman of the German-Russian Parliamentary Friendship GroupSpokeswoman on food and agriculture policy Parliamentary Manager of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the Bundestag
Mr.Per Stig Møller, MPChairman of theForeign Affairs CommitteeFolketingetChristiansborgDK-1240 CopenhagenBerlin, 28.03.2012
Invitation to the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Dialogue in Berlin on 24 April 2012 / GermanPresidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States / Baltic Sea Days April 2012
Dear Mr. Møller,to mark the German Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States, the German Federal ForeignOffice is staging the Baltic Sea Days in Berlin from 23 to 25 April 2012. This event falls in the year inwhich we celebrate the 20thanniversary of the Council and hence also follows the 20thanniversaryof the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference in 2011.As the Chairpersons of the German-Baltic, German-Nordic, German-Polish and German-RussianParliamentary Friendship Groups, we have pleasure in inviting you and another interested memberof your Committee, via the German Bundestag and in association with the Baltic Sea Days, to attendaBaltic Sea Parliamentary Dialogue on 24 April 2012from 12.00 h – 16.30 hin the German Bundestag in Berlin,followed by a Gala Event hosted by theFederal President of the Federal Republic of Germanyfrom 17.00 h – 19.00 h in Berlin.Franz Thönnes, MdBPlatz der Republik 111011 BerlinTel.: +49 30 227-71128Fax: +49 30 227-76828Georg Schirmbeck, MdBPlatz der Republik 111011 BerlinTel.: +49 30 227-74747Fax: +49 30 227-76111Dr. Christel Happach-Kasan, MdBPlatz der Republik 111011 BerlinTel.: +49 30 227-70205Fax: +49 30 227-76113Bernhard Kaster, MdBPlatz der Republik 111011 BerlinTel.: +49 30 227-77758Fax: +49 30 227-76758
The Baltic Sea Parliamentary Dialogue is being held in conjunction with a Baltic Sea Youth Parlia-ment and a Baltic Sea NGO Forum which the German Federal Foreign Office is staging on the sameday with young people and representatives from all the states in the Baltic Sea Region. As well asseeking to further cement the good relations between us, we also want to use this dialogue to givethe participants in these two events the opportunity to discuss their positions and ideas on work andcooperation in the Baltic Sea Region with parliamentarians from all Member States of the Council ofthe Baltic Sea States. Members of the German Parliamentary Friendship Groups of the Baltic SeaRegion are likewise invited.Invitations to attend this Baltic Sea Parliamentary Dialogue have also been extended to the Ambas-sadors of your countries here in Berlin.Details of the programme are included with this letter. You will see that as part of the Baltic SeaDays from 23 to 25 April 2012, other events are being organised by the German Federal ForeignOffice, the Embassies of the Member States of the Council of the Baltic Sea States, the representa-tions of various Federal Länder and other organisations in Berlin. If you are interested in taking partin any of these events, you are welcome to do so.We are working on the basis that, following normal practice, costs of accommodation and travel willbe borne by the sending parliament as we regret we are unable to offer assistance in this respect.We hope very much you will be able to attend the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Dialogue and the OfficialCeremony hosted by the Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany.Yours sincerely,