Udenrigsudvalget 2011-12
URU Alm.del Bilag 173
To the Chairpersonsof the Parliamentary Friendship Groupsin the Norwegian Stortingin the Swedish Riksdagenin the Finnish Eduskuntain the Polish Sejmin the Lithuanian Seimasin the Latvian Saeimasin the Estonian Riigikoguof the Foreign Affairs Committeesin the Icelandic Althingiin the Danish Folketingin the Duma of the Russian FederationBerlin, 2. April 2012Reference: WI 3/2 - 7401-11/ 7401-35/7401-37/ 7401-40Division WI 3Official Trips and Trips connected withMembers‘ Madates / ParliamentaryFriendship GroupsDr. Jana LeichsenringPlatz der Republik 111011 BerlinTel: +49 30 227-37466, -37541Tel: +49 30 227-31721Fax: +49 30 227-36124[email protected]Office building:Dorotheenstraße 9310117 Berlin
Invitation to the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Dialogue on 24 April 2012 /Germany Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States / Baltic SeaDaysDear Madams, Dear Sirs,
The Baltic Sea Days, organised by the German Federal Foreign Office,are taking place in Berlin from 23 to 25 April 2012 under the GermanPresidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States.
As part of the planned events, I would like to extend a warm invitationto you and a further interested member of your Parliamentary Friend-ship Group/Committee, on behalf of the Chairpersons of the German-Baltic, the German-Nordic, the German-Polish and the German-Russian Parliamentary Friendship Groups, Members of the BundestagDr. Christel Happach-Kasan, Franz Thönnes, Georg Schirmbeck andBernhard Kaster, to take part in aBaltic Sea Parliamentary Dialogue on Tuesday, 24 April 2012from 12.00 – 16.30 hin the German Bundestag in Berlin,followed by a Gala Event hosted by the Federal Presidentof the Federal Republic of Germanyin Berlin from 17.00 – 19.00 h.
The Baltic Sea Parliamentary Dialogue is taking place in conjunctionwith the Baltic Sea Youth Parliament and Baltic Sea NGO Forum in-volving young people and representatives from all states in the BalticSea Region which are being organised on the same day by the GermanFederal Foreign Office. One of the purposes of this Parliamentary Dia-logue is to give those participating in these two events the opportunityto discuss the subjects of their deliberations with parliamentarians. To
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Baltic Sea Parliamentary Dialogue on 24 April 2012,German Bundestag, Paul Löbe Building,Konrad-Adenauer Str. 1, 11011 Berlin, West Entrance, opposite theFederal ChancelleryArrival by 11.30 h12.00-13.00 hVenue:
this end we are also inviting all members of the German ParliamentaryFriendship Groups associated with the Baltic Sea Region and yourAmbassadors to this event.The programme is as follows:
Welcome by the Chairpersons of the German Parliamen-tary Friendship Groupsfollowed byGet-together and Baltic Sea Parliamentary Dialoguein the form of a reception with buffet lunchOutside meeting rooms PLH E.300/E.400
13.00 –15.00 h
A) Baltic Sea Parliamentary Dialogue with representa-tives of the Baltic Sea Youth Parliament: “We are thefuture of the Baltic Sea Region – Youth exchange andencounter to promote the creation of a common BalticSea identity”Room PLH E.300
15.00 –16.00 h17.00 –19.00 hVenue:
B) Baltic Sea Parliamentary Dialogue with representa-tives of the Baltic Sea NGO Forum: “Social capital for asustainable Baltic Sea Region – 11 years of the NGO Fo-rum of the Council of the Baltic Sea States”Room PLH E.400Guided tour of the German Bundestag in EnglishFederal Foreign OfficeGala Event hosted by the Federal President of the Fed-eral Republic of Germany
The Baltic Sea Parliamentary Dialogue and the Official Ceremony arepart of a series of events organised by the Federal Foreign Office, theEmbassies of the Member States of the Council of the Baltic Sea States,the Representations of variousLänderand other organisations which
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are taking place in Berlin during the Baltic Sea Days from 23 to 25April 2012. Details of these events are provided in the enclosed infor-mation. If you are interested in taking part in any of these events, youare welcome to do so.
We regret we are unable to pay for your accommodation or travel orto organise your accommodation for you. We hope very much that youwill be able to attend the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Dialogue and theGala Event hosted by the Federal President.
We would be very grateful if you could register by fax/e-mail by 16April 2012, using the attached form. Please also indicate if you wouldlike to take part in the dialogue with representatives of the Baltic SeaYouth Parliament or the Baltic Sea NGO Forum and the Gala Eveninghosted by the Federal President.Yours sincerely,Dr. Jana LeichsenringBaltic Sea Parliamentary DialogueYes
12.00-13.00 h Welcome and Get-Together?A) We are the future: PLH E 30013.00-15.00 h Dialogue?
Do you wish to attend
YesB) Social capital: PLH E 400Yes
15.00-16.30 h Guided tour of the Bundestag?YesNo
YesNo17.00 hGala Event hosted by the Federal President ofthe Federal Republic of Germany?