Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2011-12
UPN Alm.del Bilag 30

Asaf Ademi

Before being appointed ambassador for the Republic of Macedonia to Denmark,Mr. Ademi was Head of the Urban Sector and Environmental Protection, in theMunicipality of Gostivar from 2007 to 2009.Furthermore, as of the beginning of 2009 he served as personal advisor to thecurrent Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Mr. Nexhati Jakupi.Prior to the above mentioned appointments, Mr. Ademi served as special advisor oninfrastructure from 2004 to 2005 to the former Mayor of the Municipality of Gostivar.From the beginning of 2005 to 2007 he was additionally appointed as Head of theDepartment for Local Economic Development in the Municipality of Gostivar, in whichhe was solely responsible for project implementations and international cooperation.In overall, Mr. Ademi has been very active in NGOs. Since 2006, he was active in co-operation with several foreign embassies and international organizations in creatingnumerous urban development projects.From 2006 to 2007 Mr. Ademi was the maincoordinator in a UNDP MDG related project aimed to support Human Rights BasedApproaches (HRBA) in poverty reduction.Mr. Ademi participated in the COP15 United Nations Climate ChangeConference in Copenhagen, in which he was part of the Macedonian state delegationheaded by Macedonia’s President Gjorgje Ivanov.During his 4 year period in Denmark, his main task will be to integrate and move theRepublic of Macedonia closer towards the European Community. Furthermore, Mr.Ademi will give greater priority to promote co-operation between the Republic ofMacedonia and Denmark. He is fully determined to do his utmost to enhance bilateralrelations and sustain the friendly diplomatic relations between the Republic of Macedoniaand Denmark, as diplomatic relations between the two countries have never experiencedan interruption since they were first established in 1993.Other than mastering the languages Albanian and Macedonian perfectly, Mr.Ademi is also fluent in English ,Turkish, Serbian and Croatian .Mr. Ademi holds a Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and he has completedhis final studies towards a Master of Science from the University of “Ss. Cyril andMethodius”, Skopje.