NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2011-12, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2011-12
NPA Alm.del Bilag 25, UPN Alm.del Bilag 235
20 May. 2012
Summit Declaration on Defence Capabilities: Toward NATOForces 20201.As Alliance leaders, we are determined to ensure that NATO retains and develops the capabilities necessary toperform its essential core tasks collective defence, crisis management and cooperative security – and therebyto play an essential role promoting security in the world. We must meet this responsibility while dealing with anacute financial crisis and responding to evolving geo-strategic challenges. NATO allows us to achieve greatersecurity than any one Ally could attain acting alone. We confirm the continued importance of a strongtransatlantic link and Alliance solidarity as well as the significance of sharing responsibilities, roles, and risks tomeet the challenges North-American and European Allies face together. We recognise the importance of astronger and more capable European defence and welcome the efforts of the European Union to strengthen itscapacities to address common security challenges. These efforts are themselves an important contribution tothe transatlantic link.The strength of NATO has been Allies’ forces – their training, equipment, interoperability andexperience –drawn together and directed by our integrated command structure. The success of our forces in Libya,Afghanistan, the Balkans and in fighting piracy is a vivid illustration that NATO remains unmatched in its abilityto deploy and sustain military power to safeguard the security of our populations and to contribute tointernational peace and security.That success is the result of over six decades of close cooperation in defence. By working together throughNATO, we are better able to ensure the security to our citizens – and to do so far more effectively andefficiently – than would be possible by acting alone.We have already made concrete progress since our last Summit in Lisbon and the adoption there of the newStrategic Concept in ensuring NATO has the capabilities it needs to defend our citizens, conduct crisismanagement operations, and foster cooperative security. Among other important accomplishments:1.Today, we have declared an interim ballistic missile defence capability as an initial step to establishNATO's missile defence system, which will protect all NATO European territories, populations and forcesagainst the increasing threats posed by the proliferation of ballistic missiles, based on the principles of theindivisibility of Allied security and NATO solidarity, equitable sharing of risks and burdens, taking intoaccount the level of threat, affordability and technical feasibility.We are deploying a highly sophisticated Alliance Ground Surveillance system, so that our forces canbetter, and more safely, carry out the missions we give them; in this regard, a number of Allies havelaunched an important initiative to improve Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance morebroadly.We have extended our air policing mission in the Baltic states. This mission and other Alliance air policingarrangements in Europe, whereby Allies cooperate to provide security and reassurance, are visible signs ofAlliance solidarity.We are putting in place a new, leaner and more effective command structure.We have made steady progress in developing a number of capabilities we identified in Lisbon as critical tothe successful conduct of our operations, including: improving our defences against cyber attacks;extending NATO’s air command and control system; and augmenting our capabilities in Afghanistan forexchanging intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data and countering improvised explosivedevices.
In the light of this progress, we have confidently set ourselves the goal of NATO Forces 2020:modern, tightly connected forces equipped, trained, exercised and commanded so that they can operatetogether and with partners in any environment.Fundamental to achieving this goal will be improvements in the way we develop and deliver thecapabilities our missions require. In addition to essential national efforts and existing, proven forms ofmultinational cooperation such as in the areas of strategic airlift and airborne warning and control, we must findnew ways to cooperate more closely to acquire and maintain key capabilities, prioritise on what we need mostand consult on changes to our defence plans. We should also deepen the connections among the Allies andbetween them and our partners on the basis of mutual benefit. Maintaining a strong defence industry in Europeand making the fullest possible use of the potential of defence industrial cooperation across the Alliance remainan essential condition for delivering the capabilities needed for 2020 and beyond.1/2
Smart Defence is at the heart of this new approach. The development and deployment ofdefence capabilities is first and foremost a national responsibility. But as technology grows more expensive,and defence budgets are under pressure, there are key capabilities which many Allies can only obtain if theywork together to develop and acquire them. We therefore welcome the decisions of Allies to take forwardspecific multinational projects, including for better protection of our forces, better surveillance and bettertraining. These projects will deliver improved operational effectiveness, economies of scale, and closerconnections between our forces. They will also provide experience for more such Smart Defence projects infuture.But Smart Defence is more than this. It represents a changed outlook, the opportunity for arenewed culture of cooperation in which multinational collaboration is given new prominence as an effective andefficient option for developing critical capabilities.Developing greater European military capabilities will strengthen the transatlantic link, enhancethe security of all Allies and foster an equitable sharing of the burdens, benefits and responsibilities of Alliancemembership. In this context, NATO will work closely with the European Union, as agreed, to ensure that ourSmart Defence and the EU's Pooling and Sharing Initiative are complementary and mutually reinforcing; wewelcome the efforts of the EU, in particular in the areas of air-to-air refuelling, medical support, maritimesurveillance and training. We also welcome the national efforts in these and other areas by European Allies andPartners. The success of our efforts will continue to depend on mutual transparency and openness between thetwo organisations.We are also taking steps to enhance the linkages between our forces, and with partner countriesas well. Our operation over Libya showed once again the importance of such connections; as soon as thepolitical decision was taken to initiate the NATO mission, Alliance pilots were flying wing to wing with eachother, and with pilots from non-NATO European and Arab partner countries. That was essential to the militaryand political success of the mission.We will build on that success through the Connected Forces Initiative. We will expand educationand training of our personnel, complementing in this way essential national efforts. We will enhance ourexercises. We will link our networks together even more. We will strengthen the bonds between NATOCommand Structure, the NATO Force Structure, and our national headquarters. We will also enhancecooperation among our Special Operations Forces including through NATO’s Special Operations ForcesHeadquarters. We will strengthen the use of the NATO Response Force, so that it can play a greater role inenhancing the ability of Alliance forces to operate together and to contribute to our deterrence and defenceposture. As much as possible, we will also step up our connections with Partners, so that when we wish to acttogether, we can.While much has been accomplished since our last Summit to strengthen the Alliance, andrecognising an increased reliance on the part of many Allies on multinational cooperation and capabilities, muchremains to be done. To that end, we have adopted a Defence Package that will help us develop and deliver thecapabilities our missions and operations require. We will continue to reform our structures and procedures inorder to seek greater efficiencies, including from the better use of our budgets.NATO's greatest strength is its unity. Through 2020 and beyond, stimulated by the requirementto use defence resources in the most efficient way, we will deepen that unity to maintain and upgrade NATO'smilitary strength.