Transportudvalget 2011-12
TRU Alm.del Bilag 377
ROSTOCKGEDSERDear Colleagues,I am sending this email to you to urge you to support our colleagues in Pro Bahn Mecklenburg-Vorpommern who are campaigning for better rail/sea/rail links, especially via the port of Rostock.Marcel Drews, their Chairman, explained the position to us at the EPF Council meeting on June 9th. Itherefore wrote an email of support, which is below. For those of you who may not understandGerman, I state that it is important that international travellers have a seamless journey-chain,especially when the journey is multi-modal. The situation is Rostock is not ideal, when travellers haveto make a bus journey from the main station to the overseas harbour. It could be made easier especiallyif the rail link to the overseas harbour were improved, by investment in the Rostock S-bahn.I have since looked on the websites of Scandlines and Finnlines to see what information is given toprospective customers.Scandlines explain in both English and German "how pedestrians get to the port of Rostock." Theinstructions are S-bahn to Seehafen or tram 2 to Dierkower Kreuz and then by 49 bus to Seehafen. Busstop directly outside ferry terminal. S-bahn station 20 minutes on foot from terminal. There is noinformation about what to do when you reach Gedser! However, another part of the website advertisesan "Easyway Ticket" "Bus und Faehre nach Daenemark" referring to a service 40 shuttle bus" fromRostock main station and a 740 bus from Gedser to Nykobing, where you are encouraged to spend theday before returning to Germany.Finnlines website refers to departures from Skandinavienkai at Rostock (Warnemunde??) and invitesyou to use a googlemaps link. When I trued to do this, it did not respond.On both websites it does invite you to email them or phone them.Thos Cook's timetable does not give instructions about how to get top the ferry terminals, though atleast it gives addresses and phone numbers for the ferry operators.At our meeting on July 9th I also agreed to write to the Editor of Cook's Timetable, and I shall do this.I hope that we can work together to obtain better information and, in due course, easier connectionsbetween Germany and the Nordic countries.Best regards,Trevor----- Forwarded Message -----


Marcel Drews <[email protected]>


trevor garrod <[email protected]>


Kurt Hultgren <[email protected]>


Friday, 22 June 2012, 21:51


Re: Seehafen Rostock
Hallo Trevor,ich habe den Text unten nochmal mit ein wenig für die deutsche Sprache (insbesondere die Umlaute)berichtigt.Ich hoffe es gefaellt und wird vom Emailprogramm richtig angezeigt.GrussMarcel
EUROPEAN PASSENGERS' FEDERATION unabhängiger Verband fur Fahrgäste mit Mitgliedsverbanden in 19 europäischen Ländernunterstützen wir die Pressemitteilung von Pro Bahn Mecklenburg-Vorpommern am 21.06.12.Es ist wichtig, dass internationale Reisende eine nahtlose Reisekette haben, besonders wenn es um einemultimodale Reise geht.Die Lage in Rostock ist nicht ideal, wenn Reisende eine Busfahrt vom Hauptbahnhof zum Hafenmachen müssen, bevor sie dann mit dem Schiff weiter nach Dänemark, Schweden oder Finnlandfahren. Das Thema ist während der Junisitzung unseres Verwaltungsrats besprochen worden.Es könnte aber leichter gemacht werden, besonders wenn die bestehende Bahnverbindung zumÜberseehafen weiterentwickelt würde. Deswegen unterstützen wir Pläne, in diese S-Bahn-Verbindungzu investieren.Trevor GarrodVorsitzender