Sundheds- og Forebyggelsesudvalget 2011-12
SUU Alm.del Bilag 306
“Societal Impact of Pain”, 30 & 31 May 2012 - Copenhagen, Denmark
Invitation to advance chronic pain management in Denmarkand Europe
On May 29-31 the European symposium on the “Societal Impact of Pain” (SIP) 2012iwill takeplace in Copenhagen at Bella Center. The "Societal Impact of Pain" is an international, multi-stakeholder platform created in 2010 aiming to raise the awareness of the relevance that theimpact of pain has on our societies, health and economic systems. The symposium will ensure theexchange of information and sharing best-practices across all member states within the EuropeanUnion. The overall purpose is to develop and foster policy strategies and activities to improve pan-European pain management.This event constitutes a unique opportunity for you, together with a broad range of Nordic andEuropean healthcare stakeholders, health care professionals, pain advocacy groups, politicians,insurances, representatives of health authorities, regulators, and budget holders to create afoundation for the advancement of pain medicine policies and programs, both at a national andEuropean level. The urgency of the matter is evident.Chronic pain is one of the major health challenges in Denmark and Europe today. It poses a heavyburden on both individuals and on the societies, including an enormous negative economic impacton our healthcare and social security systems.20,2 % - about 1.1 million Danes suffer from chronic painii17 % of these people have been on sick leave during the past 14 daysiii28 % of these people needed to stop workingiv
Chronic pain causes a loss of 1 million working days each yearvIt costs more than DKK 40 billion each yearvi:– DKK 2.2 billion due to doctor contacts– DKK 2 billion due to sick leave– DKK 35 billion due to early retirement
The SIP 2012 symposium is hosted by the Danish Association for Chronic Pain Patients (FAKS). The scientificframework of SIP 2012 is under the responsibility of the European Federation of IASP� Chapters (EFIC�). Thepharmaceutical company Grünenthal GmbH is responsible for funding and non-financial support (e.g. logistical support).The scientific aims of the SIP 2012 symposium have been endorsed by a large number of pain advocacy and scientificorganisations.
In the first half of 2012, Denmark will host the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.Supported by a large group of Danish and European stakeholders, SIP 2012 aims to raiseawareness during the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the societal impact ofpain by organising SIP 2012 in Denmark.The format of the symposium has been designed to maximise interaction and in-depth dialoguebetween participants from a broad range of EU and national stakeholders. The aim is to developconcrete solutions, based on state-of-the-art knowledge, with the potential of gaining acceptanceand endorsement among both European and national policy and decision makers. Hence, thesymposium begins with two days (May 29-30) of special group meetings, and workshopsaddressing the societal impact of chronic pain from various perspectives.During the plenary session on the third day of the symposium (May 31) the workshop results willbe presented together with topics on pain education and research. Finally, an action-plan about thepan-European pain management implementation will be discussed.The meeting language during the workshops and plenary session will be English.For further information regarding SIP 2012, including registration, accommodation and venue,please refer to the attached announcement flyer.Additional information is also available this opportunity to advance chronic pain management and join the workshops!Yours sincerely,
The SIP 2012 symposium is hosted by the Danish Association for Chronic Pain Patients (FAKS). The scientificframework of SIP 2012 is under the responsibility of the European Federation of IASP� Chapters (EFIC�). Thepharmaceutical company Grünenthal GmbH is responsible for funding and non-financial support (e.g. logistical support).The scientific aims of the SIP 2012 symposium have been endorsed by a large number of pain advocacy and scientificorganisations.
SIP 2012 Workshops 30 May, 2012Workshop 1: Chronic Pain as a disease in its own rightChronic pain as a disease is yet to be fully accepted outside the expert community. Nevertheless,the evidence and rationale for regarding chronic pain as a disease in its own right is growing. Byjoining this workshop you will get the opportunity to contribute to a constructive and well-informeddiscussion around the medical and healthcare managerial implications of such a development.The workshop is of particular relevance to delegates representing health authorities, healthcarecommissioners and health policy makers.For further information, please contact:Louise Bruce, Cohn&Wolfe A/SEmail: [email protected]Mobile: 2382 5840Workshop 2: Active & Healthy Ageing: Pain management for an improved quality of lifeEurope is ageing. A more active, healthy and pain-free ageing population makes sense for obviousreasons. It promotes people to remain longer in the workforce and keeps the costs of health- andhomecare providers at bay. The workshop will be a chance for you to exchange best practises onimproving quality of life in the context of chronic pain, and influence a position on outcome criteria,health care indicators and tools to document the quality of pain management and its societalimpact in relation to an ageing population.The workshop is of particular relevance to delegates representing public health agencies, health-and homecare commissioners, labour market organisations, senior citizens advocates and policymakers.For further information, please contact:Louise Bruce, Cohn&Wolfe A/SEmail: [email protected]Mobile: 2382 5840Workshop 3: Improving pain management: Delivering results in pain management; bestpractise cooperation models
The SIP 2012 symposium is hosted by the Danish Association for Chronic Pain Patients (FAKS). The scientificframework of SIP 2012 is under the responsibility of the European Federation of IASP� Chapters (EFIC�). Thepharmaceutical company Grünenthal GmbH is responsible for funding and non-financial support (e.g. logistical support).The scientific aims of the SIP 2012 symposium have been endorsed by a large number of pain advocacy and scientificorganisations.
There is good evidence that pain treatment programmes can reduce suffering, improve medicaloutcomes and maintain people in the workforce. Yet, we lack internationally accepted qualityindicators for pain management, which are becoming more and more important for effectivehealthcare commissioning and funding. At this work shop you will know more about promisingcommissioning and cooperation models, while discussing best practice and measurabledeliverables in pain management.The workshop is of particular relevance to delegates representing social security agencies, healthcare providers, health care commissioners, patient advocates and health authorities.For further information, please contact:Louise Bruce, Cohn&Wolfe A/SEmail: [email protected]Mobile: 2382 5840Workshop 4: Benchmarking, education and research programmes on pain management inthe European UnionIn order to improve pain management environment at a national level, substantial investment inresearch and education will be necessary. The benefits of pan-European collaboration to advanceour understanding and management of chronic pain are obvious. At the workshop you willexchange best practices on current international benchmark, educational and researchprogrammes in pain management with Nordic and European counterparts. As a participant you willhave the opportunity to impact a proposal for minimum requirements on education and research atnational and EU level.The workshop is of particular relevance to delegates representing health authorities, academia andpolicy makers.For further information, please contact:Louise Bruce, Cohn&Wolfe A/SEmail: [email protected]Mobile: 2382 5840Workshop 5: Establishing multi-stakeholder pain platforms in EuropeIn May 2011 the symposium “Societal Impact of Pain” took place in the European parliament. Animportant outcome was the “SIP – Road Map to Action”vii, which outlines how the EU institutionsand member states could effectively address the societal impact of pain at both EU and nationallevel. The objective of this workshop is to discuss and share local and national best practices. As a
The SIP 2012 symposium is hosted by the Danish Association for Chronic Pain Patients (FAKS). The scientificframework of SIP 2012 is under the responsibility of the European Federation of IASP� Chapters (EFIC�). Thepharmaceutical company Grünenthal GmbH is responsible for funding and non-financial support (e.g. logistical support).The scientific aims of the SIP 2012 symposium have been endorsed by a large number of pain advocacy and scientificorganisations.
participant you will be a part of the development of a practical guide to national implementation ofthe SIP Roadmap for Action.The workshop is of particular relevance to delegates representing health care providers, healthcare commissioners, policy maker, patient advocates and health authorities.For further information, please contact:Louise Bruce, Cohn&Wolfe A/SEmail: [email protected]Mobile: 2382 5840i
The SIP 2012 symposium is hosted by the Danish Association for Chronic Pain Patients (FAKS). The scientificframework of SIP 2012 is under the responsibility of the European Federation of IASP� Chapters (EFIC�). Thepharmaceutical company Grünenthal GmbH is responsible for funding and non-financial support (e.g. logistical support).iiSjøgren P, Ekholm O, Peuckmann V, Grønbaek M. Epidemiology of chronic pain in Denmark: an update. Pain 2009;3(3):287-92.iiiEriksen J, Jensen MK, Sjøgren P, Ekholm O, Rasmussen NK. Epidemiology of chronic non-malignant pain inDenmark. Pain 2003; 106:221-228.ivStatens Institut for Fokesundhed, Kronisk Smerte, Ugens tal, uge 17,, Eriksen J, Jensen MK,Sjøgren P, Ekholm O, Rasmussen NK. Epidemiology of chronic non-malignant pain in Denmark. Pain 2003; 106:221-228.vEriksen, j & al : Epidemiologiske forhold vedrørende langvarige/kroniske noncancersmertetilstande i Danmark , U.f.l.2006.vi result of SIP 2011 was a ”Road Map for Action” consisting of seven action points:Road Map for ActionWe call on European governments and the EU Institutions to: that pain is an important factor limiting the quality of life and should be a top priority of thenational health care system.Activate patients, their family, relatives and care-givers through the availability of information and access topain diagnosis and management.Raise awareness of the medical, financial and social impact that pain and its management has on thepatients, their family, care-givers, employers, and the healthcare system.Raise awareness of the importance of prevention, diagnosis and management of pain amongst allhealthcare professionals, notably through further education.
The SIP 2012 symposium is hosted by the Danish Association for Chronic Pain Patients (FAKS). The scientificframework of SIP 2012 is under the responsibility of the European Federation of IASP� Chapters (EFIC�). Thepharmaceutical company Grünenthal GmbH is responsible for funding and non-financial support (e.g. logistical support).The scientific aims of the SIP 2012 symposium have been endorsed by a large number of pain advocacy and scientificorganisations.
Strengthen pain research (basic science, clinical, epidemiological) as a priority in EU frameworkprogramme and in equivalent research road maps at national and EU level, addressing the societal impactof pain and the burden of chronic pain on the health, social, and employment sectors.Establish an EU platform for the exchange, comparison and benchmarking of best practices betweenmember states on pain management and its impact on harmonize effective levels of pain management to improve the quality of life of European Citizens.
7.Use the EU platform to monitor trends in pain management, services, and outcomes and provide guidelines
The SIP 2012 symposium is hosted by the Danish Association for Chronic Pain Patients (FAKS). The scientificframework of SIP 2012 is under the responsibility of the European Federation of IASP� Chapters (EFIC�). Thepharmaceutical company Grünenthal GmbH is responsible for funding and non-financial support (e.g. logistical support).The scientific aims of the SIP 2012 symposium have been endorsed by a large number of pain advocacy and scientificorganisations.