Sundheds- og Forebyggelsesudvalget 2011-12
SUU Alm.del Bilag 28
University of São PauloRibeirão Preto Medical SchoolPhysiology DepartmentNeurophysiology and Experimental Neuroethology LaboratoryDirector: Prof. Dr. Norberto Garcia-Cairasco<[email protected]> Bandeirantes, 3900 – Ribeirão Preto – SP – Brazil CEP 14049-900Ribeirão Preto, October 18th2011
Folketingets Sundhedsudvalg[email protected].Dear Sirs:It is with enormous concern that we have received the news from our dear colleague andfriendDr. Peter Wolf,a well-known name in the Epilepsy Research and Teaching fields, thattheEpilepsy Hospital in Dianalundis at risk of not existing any more, because of the
reorganization of the Danish health care.The scientific and academic activities under the leadership of Dr. Wolf have beenextended worldwide because of the importance of the programs held in Dianalund. We havefollowed Dr. Wolf career over several decades as an active epileptologist and recently we havebeen invited by him to participate in an international Project, proposed in a Meeting held at theInternational Congress of Epilepsy held in Budapest in 2009.The group constituted in Budapest is intended to develop research initiatives to studyforms of epilepsy that are externally modified, which explains the name given to thisInternationally formed Group“Epilepsies Externally Modulated”,orEpExMo,for short.
Together with our colleagues from other high quality institutions in Brazil,qualified as national and international centers in epileptology, and with equallydistinguished Institutions from Uruguay, India, Japan, Lithuania and Slovenia, ourlaboratory is implementing research protocols under the general advise of Dr. Wolf.Recently, at the International Epilepsy Congress just held in Rome thisExpExMo group presented four posters as a quite productive result of only two years oflife of the multicenter group, in addition to the submission for publication of a firstmanuscript.We would like therefore to kindly ask the Danish scientific academic andmedical authorities represented by your institution to keep in mind that the preservationof the Epilepsy Hospital in Dianalund, under the scientific leadership of Dr. Wolf, willbenefit not only Denmark but the international epileptology community, which naturallyimpact health care and knowledge on this devastating neurological disease.With our best regards,
Prof.Norberto Garcia-Cairasco, PhDAssociate Professor of PhysiologyCoordinator of the Graduate Program in PhysiologyMember of the EpExMo Multicenter International Research Group<[email protected]>