Sundheds- og Forebyggelsesudvalget 2011-12
SUU Alm.del Bilag 20


Universidade Federal de Santa CatarinaCentro de Ciências da Saúde-Departamento de Clínica MédicaCampus Universitário- Trindade- Florianópolis-SC
Florianópolis, 10 de outubro de 2011.To:The Danish Minister ofHealth,Ms Astrid Krag,TheFolketingetsSundhedsudvalg,DenrnarkOn behalfofthe Neurology Section of the University Hospital, Federal University of Santa Catarina,Florianópolis, SC, Brazil, we are writing to you regarding the Epilepsy Hospital in Dianalund.It is with great surpriseandconcem that we took knowledge that the Epilepsy Hospital in Dianalund isthreatened due to reorganization of the Danish health care system. The Epilepsy Hospital in Dianalund is anoutstanding epilepsy centre among others in the world and its activities have been influencing greatly toimprove the quality of life of the people with epilepsy worldwide, promoting exchange of knowledge withdeveloping countries such as Brazil. The treatment and care for the people affected by epilepsy can only beachieved successfully by a system comprehensively organized and coordinated by epilepsy centre(s).Dianalund Epilepsy Centre is the on1y centre providing comprehensive diagnostics, treatment and care forpeople with epilepsy in Denrnark.Dianalund is also an important centre for intemational epilepsy research. An intemational researchconsortium for the investigation of the provocative and inhibitory roles of sensory and cognitive stimuli inthe developmentofepileptic seizures was initiated two years ago, leaded by the Danish Epilepsy Centre, andinvolved many researchers from various countries in the world, including uso As the first reports of thiscollaboration, four presentations at the Intemational Epilepsy Congress in Rome this year, and the firstresults have already been submitted for publication and diverse sub-projects are being developed since then.The Danish Epilepsy Centre has a very important role in coordinating the various projects in this consortiumand providing methodological advices. Without the continuous input from Dianalund this entire promisingresearch initiative would fall apart.Moreover, Prof. Dr. Peter Wolfis one ofthe most relevant scientists in the field ofEpilepsy worldwide. Hehas made enormous contributions both in research and education, addressing epileptology at a level ofexcellence. Just as an example of his recognized activities, he has conducted the Intemational Leagueagainst Epilepsy as President during a recent and very fruitful period.We therefore very kindly ask you in the interest ofthe people with epilepsy and important research activitiesin this field to take the necessary steps to save the existence of the Danish Epilepsy Centre as anirreplaceable epilepsy centre in Denrnark.Yours respectfully,
---~Assistant Professor ofNeurology - Neurology SectionUniversity Hospital- Federal University of Santa Catarina