Sundheds- og Forebyggelsesudvalget 2011-12
SUU Alm.del Bilag 170
Practical Information“Combating Antimicrobial Resistance– Time for Joint Action”onMarch 14-15, 2012AccreditationAccreditation will remain open for invited delegations until February 15 (afterwhich the remaining seats will be distributed through a waiting list until February28). Delegates are kindly requested to complete the accreditation online - furtherinstructions can be found on the registration website.In case of any changes in the delegation after the accreditation deadline, pleasecontact Crone & Co ([email protected]) and Grith Strøbæk([email protected]).Meeting VenueThe meeting will take place at Bella Center in Copenhagen. Bella Center is lo-cated on Center Boulevard 5, 2300 Copenhagen S.InterpretationThe working language is English. Interpretation service will not be available at theconference.AccommodationThe Danish Presidency has pre-booked accommodation for all delegations.The delegates are kindly requested to book accommodation via the Presidency’saccreditation system at the expenses of your delegation. The delegates can pay foraccommodation at the hotel or by credit card. Please note that every reservationmust be secured by a credit card. The reservation system will close on February 282012.Bella Sky Comwell Hotel (****)Ørestad Boulevard 52300 København SCheck in: from 15.00 / 3 p.m.Check out: latest 12.00 /12 a.m.Website: case of late booking please contact Crone & Co.([email protected])AirportCopenhagen Airports A/SLufthavnsboulevarden 6, 2770 KastrupTelephone: +45 32 31 32 31E-mail:[email protected]
EU2012LOGAsiatisk Plads 2 ¶ DK-1448 Copenhagen K ¶ DenmarkTel.: +45 3392 1263 ¶ [email protected] ¶
At departure all delegates travelling with SAS, Widerøe or any Star Alliance Part-ners have access to the SAS Lounge in Copenhagen Airport free of charge, andcan use the SAS Fast Track security check. Please show your EU2012 Badge foraccess.SAS sponsors CO2off-setting of your flight to Denmark if flying with SAS,Widerøe or Blue1. The Danish Presidency encourages all delegates to off-set emis-sions from air travel.TransportationUpon arrival to Copenhagen Airport delegates are referred to public transport foraccess to the venue, Bella Center and hotels. Bella Center and hotels are easilyreached by both metro and train.Metro directions:The Metro operates to and from Terminal 3.The Bella Sky Comwell Hotel and Bella Center is reached from Copenhagen Air-port by taking the metro line M2 (in direction Vanløse) to Christianshavn MetroStation. The journey takes approximately 15 minutes. At Christianshavn MetroStation, change to M1 (in direction Vestamager) to Bella Center Metro Station –this will take another 5-10 minutes. The Bella Sky Comwell Hotel is situated rightnext to the Bella Center, and just about 100 meters from the Metro. From the CityCentre (“Kongens Nytorv” or “Nørreport”) the journey takes approximately 10minutes.Hotels in the City Centre are reached from Copenhagen Airport by taking themetro line M2 (in direction Vanløse) to Kongens Nytorv Metro Station or Nørre-port Metro Station. The journey takes approximately 15 minutes. From KongensNytorv Metro Station there is a short walking distance of approximately 5-10 min-utes to hotels in the area. From Nørreport Station runs commuter trains (S-trains)to the Central Station. Hotels in these areas are also a short walking distance ofapproximately 5-10 minutes.Train directions:The train station is located immediately below Terminal 3 and train towards theCity Centre departs from track 2.Bella Center and Bella Sky Comwell Hotel can be reached by train from Copenha-gen Airport, by taking the airport train two stops to Ørestad Station, and fromthere change to metro line M1 (in direction Vanløse) for one stop to the BellaCenter Metro Station. The Bella Center and Bella Sky Comwell Hotel are locatedapproximately 100 meters from the station.Hotels in the City Centre can be reached by taking the airport train, which stops atthe Copenhagen Central Station (and some trains go further on to Nørreport Sta-tion). Hotels in these areas are a short walking distance of approximately 5-10minutes away. The journey by train takes approximately 12-15 minutes.
Links:Metro: www.m.dkDSB (rail way): www.dsb.dkMovia (busses): www.moviatrafik.dkAbout Denmark and CopenhagenThe official website of the DanishPresidency of the Council of theEuropean Union 2012:More information on Denmark:More information on Copenhagen:The weather in Denmark:
Currency: Danish Kroner (DKK); 1 EURO = 7,43 DKKContact person:Ms Grith StrøbækE-mail: [email protected]Tel.: +45 72 26 94 89Ministry of HealthHolbergsgade 6DK-1216 Copenhagen KContact persons - Logistics:Andreas BoorHead of SectionMinistry of Foreign AffairsPhone +45 33 92 10 58E-mail: [email protected]