Sundheds- og Forebyggelsesudvalget 2011-12
SUU Alm.del Bilag 161
Third AnnouncementInvitation
Patient Empowerment:Responding to the NCD challenge1st European Conference on Patient EmpowermentCopenhagen, 11th-12th April 2012Komiteen for Sundhedsoplysning, WHO/Europe og EuropeanNetwork for Patient Empowerment inviterer hermed offentligeog private interessenter til at deltage i en 2-dages konferencemed debat om, hvordan man kan tage udfordringen op med detstigende antal kronikere på nationalt og europæisk plan.Bedre adgang til information og viden – stigende brug af socialemedier – patientuddannelse – nye lovmæssige krav om ind-dragelse af patienterne – reorganisering af sundhedsvæsenet ognye teknologiske løsninger. Disse faktorer er med til at skabe enny virkelighed, hvor patienter og borgere omdefinerer deres rollei relation til sundhed og pleje. Konferencen vil sætte fokus pådisse fremtidige faktorer, som er passende for det 21. århundredessundhedssystem.Konferencen afholdes på engelsk i regi af det danske formand-skab for Rådet for den Europæiske Union i samarbejde medSundhedsstyrelsen og Ministeriet for Sundhed og Forebyggelse.Find flere informationer og tilmeld dig påEuropean Network On Patient Empowerment:Danish Committee for Health Education, DenmarkExpert Patient Programme, EnglandCareum Foundation, SwitzerlandThe conference is being organised in close technicalcollaboration with WHO/EuropePROgRAMà

Patient Empowerment: Responding to the NCD challenge1st European Conference on Patient Empowerment ENOPE 2012Copenhagen, 11th-12th April 2012
Preliminary programApril 11th 2012Chair: Director Charan Nelander08:0009.3009.35Registration, setting up of posters, coffeeWelcome by Danish Committee for HealthEducationOpening remarks§Danish Acting Minister for Health§Zsuzanna Jakab, Regional Director, WHORegional Office for Europe§EU representative§IAPO representativeTransforming health and social care throughpatient empowerment – the policy challengeAngela Coulter, Director of global initiatives atthe Foundation for Informed Medical DecisionMakingBreak and move to sessionsParallel sessions (3-4 tracks)§Evidence-based chronic diseaseself-management programs – examplesof European implementation§Self-management support for vulnerablepopulations and hard-to-reach groups§Implementing the European action plan onNCDs§Patient Empowerment and Health Literacy– the results of the European HealthLiteracy SurveyNetworking Lunch
Parallel sessions(4 tracks + closed WHO session)§Patient safety and patients rights§The challenge of measuring patientempowerment§Assessing the social and economic impactof patient empowerment§Empowerment through transparency– independent patient information andcounselling§Joint action on patient empowerment inEurope (ENOPE network meeting, withWHO member states participation)Break and move to plenaryCommunity Empowermentglen Laverack, Research Fellow,South Australian Community Health ResearchUnit (SACHRU), Flinders UniversityVisit to Copenhagen (including dinner)
April 12th 2012Chair: Director José Martin-Moreno (WHO)08:3009:0009:05CoffeeIntroduction by the ChairPatient and citizen empowerment throughtechnological innovationPaul Timmers, Director ICT Addressing SocietalChallenges European CommissionPanel discussion – “Will technology shiftthe power in health and social care to thepatients?”BreakTransforming health care through patientempowerment – the health policy responsePanel discussionClosing remarksIlona Kickbusch
10.15Chair: Ilona Kickbusch14.00An innovative care model for chronicconditionsRaphael Bengoa, Minister for Health andConsumer affairs of the Basque government10:30
12:15-14:00Networking Lunch & end of conference