Sundheds- og Forebyggelsesudvalget 2011-12
SUU Alm.del Bilag 15
To:The Folketingets Sundhedsudvalg, DenmarkShizuoka, October 8, 2011It is with great concern that we have heard that the Epilepsy Hospital in Dianalund isthreatened by closure due to reorganizations in the Danish health care system.The Epilepsy Hospital in Dianalund is one of the best epilepsy centres in the world and itsactivities have been influencing greatly to the movements to improve the quality of life of thepeople with epilepsy worldwide, even of the far east country Japan. The treatment and care forthe people affected by epilepsy can only be achieved successfully by a systemcomprehensively organized and coordinated by epilepsy centre(s). Dianalund Epilepsy Centreis the only centre providing comprehensive diagnostics, treatment and care for people withepilepsy in Denmark, and is therefore irreplaceable.In addition to the central role in the treatment and care for people with epilepsy in Denmark,Dianalund is also an important centre for international epilepsy research.We are investigating the provocative and inhibitory roles of sensory and cognitive stimuli inthe development of epileptic seizures. This research was initiated two years ago from theDanish Epilepsy Centre, and involved many researchers from various countries in the world,including us. This international research consortium has already had four presentations ofresults of this project at the International Epilepsy Congress in Rome this year, and a firstresearch publication has been submitted for publication. Several more sub-projects are beingdeveloped. The Danish Epilepsy Centre has a very important role in coordinating the variousprojects in this consortium and providing methodological advices. Without the continuousinput from Dianalund this entire promising research initiative would fall apart.We therefore very kindly ask you in the interest of the people with epilepsy and importantresearch activities in this field to take the necessary steps to save the existence of the DanishEpilepsy Centre as an irreplaceable epilepsy centre in Denmark and as an importantcontributor to international epilepsy research.
Yushi Inoue, M.D., Ph.D.Director, National Epilepsy CentreShizuoka Institute of Epilepsy and Neurological Disorders, Japan