Socialudvalget 2011-12
SOU Alm.del Bilag 367


Seriese A. [mailto:[email protected]]


19. juli 2012 12:28




European initiatives on pensionsDear reader,Please find enclosed a letter by the rapporteur on pensions of the Dutch House of Representatives to theChair of the Social Services Committee, on some recent and forthcoming European initiatives on(occupational) pensions. In addition you will find enclosed a position paper by the Dutch House ofrepresentatives on the European Commission’s White Paper on Pensions.Of course the rapporteur, MP Pieter Omtzigt, will be happy to discuss and explain this issue - which is of vitalimportance to the Netherlands – with members of the Social Services Committee in person. I wouldappreciate it if you could let me know whether your Committee would be interested to do so and if so when itwould be most feasible.An identical letter is sent to the Chair of the European Affairs Committee.Best regards,Ans SerieseEU-advisor on Social Affairs, Employment and HealthTweede Kamer der Staten-GeneraalPostbus 20018, 2500 EA Den HaagT+(31)70-3183442 |M+(31)6-54962092E[email protected] |