Socialudvalget 2011-12
SOU Alm.del Bilag 265
Udvalgets medlemmer17. april 2012
Besøg af delegation fra Korea, onsdag den 2. maj 2012 fra kl. 9.00-10.00Udvalget har modtaget nedenstående henvendelser fra den koreanske am-bassade med anmodning om et møde mellem Socialudvalget og endelegation fra Korea.Der er allerede aftalt et møde mellem delegationen og Beskæftigelsesudval-get den 2. maj 2012 fra 9.00-10.00, og det er derfor foreslået, at de to møderslås sammen.Delegationen ønsker at høre om et eller flere af nedenstående punkter, hvorBeskæftigelsesudvalget også er spurgt om emnet under pkt. 1:1. Cooperation system between Danish Parliament and Government - espe-cially in decision making process2. Expected changes on Social Service level in connection with adoptionof Government budget ceiling:Welfare Policy best practice case study i.e. elderly care inOdense municipalityWelfare Policy changes, if any, in connection with change of gov-ernment since Oct. 2011
Fra:Ju, Jeongseon [mailto:[email protected]]Sendt:29. marts 2012 16:07Til:SocialudvalgetEmne:Meeting Arrangement request - Delegation from South Korean NtionalAssemblyHello Ms. Ketty Gammelgaard,This is Jeongseon Ju, Economics Researcher from Korean Embassy.Delegation from National Assembly of South Korea would like to have a meet-ing with the Chairman of Social Services Committee.Hence, I would like to ask you if it would be possible to have meeting ar-rangement on below subjects.1. Cooperation system between Danish Parliament and Government- especially in decision making process2. Expected changes on Social Service level in connection with adoptionof Government budget ceiling.◦Delegation- 23 liaison officials in National Assembly in Republic of Korea- to be accompanied by one diplomat and myself from the Embassy- meeting suggestion : 10:00 a.m. on 2/May/2012 for 30 min. up to 45 min.I would like to extend my gratitude to you for this occasion and I appreciatevery much your cooperation.Have a nice day!Regards,Jeongseon JuEconomics ResearcherEmbassy of the Republic of Korea+45 3946 0410[email protected]
Fra:Ju, Jeongseon [mailto:[email protected]]Sendt:11. april 2012 14:15Til:SocialudvalgetEmne:Meeting Subject Adjusted - Delegation from South Korean NationalAssembly
Hello Ms. Ketty Gammelgaard,This is Jeongseon Ju, Economics Researcher from Korean Embassy again. Itwas very nice talking with you.I hereby send you more detail on the subject on what the delegation wouldlike to learn.- Welfare Policy best practice case study i.e. elderly care in Odense munici-pality- Welfare Policy changes, if any, in connection with change of governmentsince Oct. 2012I would like to extend my gratitude to you for this occasion and I appreciatevery much your cooperation.Have a nice day!Regards,Jeongseon JuEconomics ResearcherEmbassy of the Republic of Korea+45 3946 0410[email protected]
Med venlig hilsen
Ketty Gammelgaard,udvalgssekretær