Skatteudvalget 2011-12
SAU Alm.del Bilag 39
Congress Copenhagen
Tolling TechnologiesShowcase Slovakia: Example of best practiceChristoph Wondracek,Global Projects & Sales - Electronic Tolling
Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics/ � Siemens AG 2011All rights reservedSiemens AG 2008All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011
1. Technologies in General2. Nation Wide Tolling3. Tolling Slovakia4. First Results
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Nov. 2011
Ch. Wondracek
All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
1. Technologies in General2. Nation Wide Tolling3. Tolling Slovakia4. First Results
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Nov. 2011
Ch. Wondracek
All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
Tolling Technologies and ApproachesMain Types of Tolling SystemsToll PlazasOpen Road TollingCongestion Charging
Typical EnvironmentMotorwaysTunnels and bridgesCharacteristicsClosed road networksDelays at cash pointsTechnologiesManualVideoMicrowave and infrared
Typical EnvironmentMotorways + all roadsNationwide schemesCharacteristicsOpen, barrier-free roadsHigh traffic throughputTechnologiesMicrowaveSatellite with GSMSatellite with SmartCard
Typical EnvironmentCitiesUrban AreasCharacteristicsReduce City CongestionPromote Public TransportTechnologiesVideoMicrowaveSatellite with GSM
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Ch. Wondracek
All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
Tolling Technologies and ApproachesComparison of the Two Most Common TechnologiesCost DriverCentralSystem
Free!GPSSatellitesMicrowaveOBUsSatellite OBUsTolling BackOffice
microwave communication
GSMnetworkMicrowaveGantry Serverfiber opticGantries
Cost DriverSlide 5Nov. 2011Ch. Wondracek
Major Cost DriverAll rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
1. Technologies in General2. Nation Wide Tolling3. Tolling Slovakia4. First Results
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Ch. Wondracek
All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
European InteroperabilityHigh Diversity in Europe Makes Interoperability a Major Issue in the Future!Microwave-based systems are not yet compatible.Austrian, German, Czech OBUs don’t work abroad.The EU Directive 2004-52/EC*Recommendation for Satellite-Based TollingAutopass
(6)The electronic toll systemsshould be interoperableand based on open and public standards, availableon a non-discriminatory basis to all system suppliers.(8)In particular, owing to their great flexibility and versatility,application of thenew satellite positioning (GNSS)andmobile communications (GSM/GPRS)technologiesto electronic toll systemsmay servetomeet therequirementsof the new road-charging policies plannedat Community and Member State level.Article 2Technological Solutions3. It isrecommended that new electronic toll systemsbrought into service after the adoption of this Directiveusethesatellite positioning and mobilecommunications technologies
Via Verde
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All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
SWITZERLAND2001First Nationwide Toll System for Trucks (onallroads)Distance-Based Tolling(LSVA = “Leistungsabhängige Schwerverkehrsabgabe”)Law for “LSVA” passed in 1998 for tolling on all roadsSystem start: January 1st, 2001For Trucks > 3.5 tons; ~ 60,000 On Board Units (OBUs)avg. price / km: 65 Eurocents or 1.6 cents / ton / km
Commercial IssuesContract award (1999): Fela/Ascom; CAPEX ~ € 200 millionOperation costs ~ 5% of revenues (€ 35 million / year)~ 750 MEUR revenues generated per yearLSVA makes for 20% of the overall transport costs
Satellite and Microwave Technologies UsedDistance measured by odometer (tachograph) connectionGPS verifies the distances, recorded on a “smart-card”Microwave used for enforcement and at the borders
New OBU generation will be launched 2009 by SiemensSlide 8Nov. 2011Ch. WondracekAll rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
GERMANY2005First Nationwide Toll System for Trucks with GNSS/GSMOpen Road Tolling on Motorways and HighwaysSystem start: on January 1st, 2005 (16 months delayed)For Trucks > 12 tons; 1.3 Million users (> 550,000 OBUs)avg. price/km: 12.4 Eurocents or 0.3 cents / ton / km~ 12,000 km Road Network; ~ 5,000 Toll Segments~ 90% of revenue via OBUs; 3,500 roadside terminals ~ 8%
Commercial IssuesContract award (2002): TollCollect; CAPEX “way over €1b”Operation costs ~20% (€ 600 million / year)approximately € 3 Billion revenues generated per yearPenalty for delays still open, government wants € 4.5 billion
Satellite / GSM TechnologyTolled road network is easily expandableSatellite Technology has proven to be very reliableDelays due to underestimated system integration effortsDual system (manual booking) is too complex & costly
Siemens supplies > 350,000 OBUs to TollCollectSlide 9Nov. 2011Ch. WondracekAll rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
AUSTRIA2004First Nationwide Toll System for Trucks on MotorwaysOpen Road Tolling on Motorways and HighwaysSystem start on January 1st, 2004For Trucks & Buses > 3.5 tons (~ 500.000 active OBUs)avg. price/km: 22 Eurocents or 0.6 cents / ton / km~ 2.000 km Tolled Network; ~ 800 Toll Segments~ 45% of tolling revenue generated by foreigner users
Commercial IssuesContract award (2002): Autostrade; valued at € 747 millionOperation costs ~10%~ € 800 million revenues generated per yearASFiNAG purchased “Europpass” for € 208 million in 2005
Microwave TechnologyLocal Austrian supplier purchased companies in Germany andSweden with the technology, making some adaptationsMajor effort in building 800 gantries (building permits needed fordigging data and power lines to all the gantries)Project started on time, 18 months after contract awardPhoto courtesy of Autostrade S.p.A.
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Ch. Wondracek
All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
UNITED KINGDOM2004-2005Preparation of “Taxes” for all Trucks on all RoadsLorry Road User Charging Programme (“LRUC”)Distance-Based Tolling for Trucks > 3.5 tonsRoad usage fees based on truck category,type of road, andtime of day(i.e. higher fees during rush hour)Not a tolling scheme, but a tax-refund scheme forcing foreigntrucks to pay (since they didn’t pay U.K. fuel taxes)Was planned for introduction 2007-2008, then cancelled sincethe combination with fuel taxation was too costlyOnly satellite-based solutions were considered
Tender Process3 Tenders for Charging Data, Enforcement, Central SystemAnticipated revenues about € 5 billion per yearAnticipated costs € 3 - 4 Billion (with 10 years operation)
Lessons LearnedConsultants not only made a small fortune, but had anexcellent chance to educate themselves in tollingNo company or consortium made an offer for all three lots,since the integration risks were considered too highAll rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
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Ch. Wondracek
CZECH REPUBLIC2007Nationwide Toll System for Trucks on MotorwaysOpen Road Tolling on Motorways (& First-Class Roads)System start on January 1st, 2007For Trucks > 12 tons (although tender issued for > 3.5 tons)Phase 1: 970 km Motorway Network, 350 Toll SegmentsPhase 2: 1,100 km of first-class roads, 500 Toll SegmentsPHASE 2 NEVER IMPLEMENTED – New Tender Planned
Commercial IssuesSystem cost 22 Billion CZK (~ € 930 million)5.5 Billion CZK revenues for 2007 (ČTK 04-11-2007)10 years operation (but only for highways, not other roads)Operation costs: 22/5,5 = 2.2 Billion, ~ 40%
Minister Admits That Technology Is Not SuitableIn June 2007, shortly after the system was launched, the Ministerof Transport held a press conference, presenting the problems ofthe system and announcing a new tenderAll rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
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2005-2012THE NETHERLANDSFirst Nationwide Scheme for all Vehicles on all Roads“Anders Betalen voor Mobiliteit”“Paying differently for mobility” where the annual € 7billion tax revenues will be based on distancetravelled, rather than vehicle ownership, by 2012Ministry initiated “market consultation” in 2005Siemens one of 4 selected to evaluate costs ofsystem development, supply, & organizationSiemens participates in feasibility trials of 2007 todemonstrate satellite functionality & accuracy
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Ch. Wondracek
All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
SINGAPORE 2006 +Siemens Awarded Satellite Trial ProjectObjectives of the Singapore Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) TrialProof that GPS is the state of the art technology for tollingGPS is a reliable technology to be the basis of an advanced tollingtechnology for different districts in urban areasDemonstrate the reliability of the Siemens GPS solution and the BackOffice System and prove that the Siemens technology is ready forimplementation on a large scale
The Situation in Singapore TodayHigh Sales tax on cars and trucks, annual road and vehicle taxesAfter 10 years, a vehicle owner must pay additional taxesTarget for SingaporeChange the current fixed taxes on all vehicles to a kilometer-based(usage-based) schemeDeploy the latest technologies (GPS and UMTS), Integrate tolling into aTraffic Management SystemUse existing cash cards for tolling, parking etc.Select the most reliable and advanced company for the project
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Ch. Wondracek
All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
LONDONCongestion Charge Introduced 2003 – A Success StoryHighly Innovative (and Controversial) City ChargeIntroduced 17 February 2003, extended 19 February 2007Daily fee set at £5, raised to £8 on 4 July 2005Payment online, per phone, SMS, or at special outletsFines start at £50, after 2 weeks £100, after 1 month £150Special discounts for those living within the zone
ResultsTraffic delays reduced by 30%Reduction of traffic by 15% (60,000 less vehicles)Average speed in zone increased from 13 km/h to 18 km/h50-60% of car drivers moved to public transportation
Commercial Issuesannual operating costs £64 million£160 million revenues (£138 million for charges, £22 million for penalties) whichare re-invested into the transportation systemTransport for London: “congestion charging was contributing the equivalent of£50 million of net transport benefits to London’s economy per year”All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
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LONDON2007The Success Continues With the Western Extension
Siemens Launches “WEZ” In February 2007850 high-accuracy license plate recognition cameras1 million plates per day (evidential records encrypted)Innovative system architecture to reduce data trafficNo CCTV connections required as in original scheme
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Ch. Wondracek
All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
Sweden STOCKHOLM & GOTHENBORGCity Center Congestion Charge Launched in 2007Trial OperationTrial period from January 3rd to July 31, 2006450,000 vehicles equipped with microwave tags18 bi-directional payment portals (“cordon-based”)
ResultsReduction of traffic by 20-25%Queue times down 30-50%Public voted in favor of keeping in permanently
ConsequencesANPR worked well, even in snow and bad weatherThe scheme was be re-launched in August 2007~ € 150 million revenues expected per yearMicrowave tags and infrastructure taken down!All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
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2011 FRANCEEurotoll EcotaxeThe Ministry of Ecology, Energy, SustainableDevelopment and the Sea delegates theimplementation of the National HGV Tax(Heavy Goods Vehicle) to a private companywithin the framework of a partnership contract(PPP Model)The project is called “Ecotaxe” and is adistance based tax for vehicles over 3,5t on10.000-15.000km of national roads.Approved toll service provider (SHT) undercontract with Ecomouv (toll charger) areenabled to buy and use their own Front-endsystem (OBU & Proxy)The contract between state and the privatecompany will cover finance, design, set up,maintenance and operation of the toll system.The contract is awarded to the consortium“Autostrade” and was signed by 20th ofOctober 2011All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
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1. Technologies in General2. Nation Wide Tolling3. Tolling Slovakia4. First Results
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All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
Slovakia: Where to find?
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Ch. Wondracek
All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
Reasons for a toll system in Slavakia
New highways and 1st class roads were neededSlovakia is quite mountainous – construction very expensiveTransiting trucks: No fuel tax, road tax or registration taxHigh Maintenance cost due toHot summersCold wintersHigh temperature differences between day- and night time.Government decision: Additional Financing needed!All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
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Ch. Wondracek
Why Choose a GPS Based Tolling SystemNo need for tolling infrastructureNo power supply lines for gantries neededIndependent from national power gridNo fiber optical network neededLow Maintenance cost on roadside infrastructure just for enforcementTheft prevention of the roadside infrastructure is kept to a minimumEasy upgrade and update of road segments and charge pointsFlexibility:Pricing models depending on road type, vehicle categories, peak hours, off-peak hours, working day vs. weekend can be set up easilyInvesting into the future:GPS will be the leading technology for tollingAll rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
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Ch. Wondracek
Sitraffic Sensus Unit – schematic operationgeographical data and tariff tableare stored on the OBU
central system
electronic tollingback office
GPS satellites
GPS/GSM OBUsGSMAll rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
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Basic tolling solution componentselectronic toll recognitionOn-Board UnitOBU-related (OBU)servicesCommunicationnetworkTolling back-officeTolling applicationInfrastructureFeaturesCall CentreCRMClearingBillingAccountingStationaryenforcementEnforcementpost processingEnforcementback-officeMobileenforcement
enforcement services
Customer'sBusiness Processes
Electronic Toll System
central services
systems integrationSlide 24Nov. 2011Ch. Wondracek
All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
OBU Components of the Next GenerationHigh sensitivity GPS / GNSSModule for position
GSM / CN module for GPRS datacommunicationDSRC Module compliant with TC278Security-Module for encryptionand signing of the datacommunicationMovement-Sensor for antitempering and self installationand last but not leastHost processor for dataprocessing in general.Additional interfaces as externalantennasGraphics DisplayAll rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
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Realization: Project Milestones
ETBODeployment02.09.2009OBU SoP28.08.2009
31.03.2009End ofDesignPhase
01.01.2023End ofOperation
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All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
1. Technologies in General2. Nation Wide Tolling3. Tolling Slovakia4. First Results
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Ch. Wondracek
All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
Project: Electronic Tolling SlovakiaNationwide Electronic GPS/GPRS Tolling Solution for SlovakiaSiemens istechnology supplierfor the tolloperater companySkytollSkytoll planned, financed, delivered andoperates the Truck Tolling Solution inSlovakia for 13 years starting in 2010Vehicles over 3,5t will be tolled on a road-network of2370 km(570km motorwaysand1800 kmfirst class roads)2.300virtual charge stations on total roadnetwork, operating at ~7.000lanes!Siemens deliversElectronic TollingSoftware Applicationand250.000 On-Board Units including all maintenance
Income from Tolling enables customer to build/maintain infrastructureSlide 28Nov. 2011Ch. WondracekAll rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
Project: Electronic Tolling Slovakia
Toll-able vehicles: Trucks >3.5t, busses 9+ persons incl. driver35.000 different trucks driving a day378 Mill. toll transactions per yearTariff scheme: Depending on road type, vehicle category,number of axles and environmental class.GPRS update of all On Board Units performed successfully(DSRC Firmware, GSM Module, road network update – geo data)Project delivered in time, budget and quality (within 12 month)On Board Unit Mandatory
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All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
Operations90 POS (13 on boarder posts, gas stations and customer care centers)POS handles all customer and OBU related issuesPayment options: Pre pay and post pay are defined at the POS.Prepay:Self installation and fixed installation possibleMinimum top up for pre pay: € 50Warning level of pre pay account: €12Surcharge scheme for late top up of pre pay account.Post payment:Fixed installation obligatory at ~€110 for the installationBank guarantee depending on average mileage of the vehiclenecessary.Invoicing periode weekly, two weeks or monthly.All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
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EnforcementViolation cases are the following:Use of the tolled road network without payment of tollNo OBU installed in the vehicle or tamperedWrong vehicle category set (trailer is connected and not set at the OBU)Non payment if caught by the enforcement patrolNo registration form for an OBU and/or certificate confirming the current vehiclecategory.Fines vary between €160 - €1.300 Administrative Fees between €120 - €700Figures for 20111.1 mio enforcement checks by mobile enforcement44 mio enforcement check by fixed enforcement2.700 cases detected.Slide 31Nov. 2011Ch. WondracekAll rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
FiguresFinancials 2001Toll collection until 06/2011 = €75mioFinancial June 2011 = €13.6mioIncrease of 11% year onCustomer Care:32.900 calls + 380.000 visitors of the web portal424 cases were finally registered out of that26 justified cases remainedAll cases settled within 5 days only.All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics
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Thank you for your attention!
SiemensElectronic TollingChristoph WondracekProjects & SalesSiemensstrasse 90A-1210 Vienna
Traffic Solutions -green light for mobility
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Ch. Wondracek
All rights reserved / � Siemens AG 2011Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Division Mobility and Logistics