Skatteudvalget 2011-12
SAU Alm.del Bilag 136
CHAIRPERSONS MEETINGFINANCE ANDFISCALAFFAIRSCOMMITTEESFinancial and fiscal issues including:the financial transaction tax, the multiannual financial framework andparliamentary control of the new Budget Pact
Draft Program
19 March: The proposed tax on financial transactions and the multiannual financial frame-work11:00 – 12:4512:4513:00Arrival at the Hotel – Registration
Coaches depart from the Hotel to ChristiansborgWelcome Address by Marianne Jelved, Chairman of the Danish Parliament’s FinanceCommitteeIntroduction to the Conference by Margrethe Vestager, Danish Minister for Economics andthe Interior (confirmed)
Part 1: Tax on financial transactionsA global or European transaction tax? - The EU's proposed transaction tax as a new revenuestream for the EU13.20Presentation by the European Commission:Algirdas Gediminas Šemeta - EU Commissioner for Taxation and CustomsUnion, including the proposal for a European transaction tax (tbc)Presentation by:Anders Dam, managing director Jyske Bank (confirmed)Discussion / Questions to panel
The proposed tax on financial transactions seen in a historic perspective. The key question to beexamined is whether a tax on financial transactions is a suitable instrument to eliminate or at leastlimit financial speculation.14.3514:5515:1515:50PresentationJesper Jespersen, Roskilde University Centre (confirmed)PresentationMartin Kyed, CEPOS (independent Danish think tank) (confirmed)Discussion / Questions to the panelCoffee Break
Part 2: The Commission's proposal for the multiannual financial framework (2014-2020)as a tool to help us out of the economic crisis16.2016:3516:5017:4518:0019:1519:30Presentation by:Janusz Lewandowski - EU Commissioner for financial programming and budget (tbc)Presentation by:To be determinedDiscussion / Questions to the panelEnd of Day 1Coaches depart from Christiansborg to the HotelTransportation from the Hotel to Trekroner SøfortDinner hosted by the Finance and Fiscal Affairs Committee at the Trekroner Søfort.Address by Gitte Lillelund Bech, Chairman of the Danish Parliament’s Committee on FiscalAffairsCoaches depart from the Restaurant to the Hotel
20 March: Instruments to minimize the risk of new economic crises08:0008:3008:35Coaches depart from the Hotel to ChristiansborgWelcome by Marianne Jelved, Chairman of the Danish Parliament’s Finance CommitteeIntroduction by Margrethe Vestager, Danish Minister for Economics and theInterior (confirmed)
Part 1: The new Budget Pact for strengthening budgetary discipline in the EU.08:50Presentation by:Olli Rehn – Vice president of the Commission and EU Commissioner for Economic andFinancial Affairs) or equivalent official (tbc).Presentation by:To be determinedDiscussion / Questions to panelFamily PhotoCoffee Break
Part 2: Preliminary discussion and debate on the parliamentary control of the Budget Pactfor strengthening budgetary discipline in the EU11:0011:1511.3012:3014:00Presentation by BernardTo be determinedPresentation by Eva Kjer Hansen, Chairman of the European Affairs Committee (tbc)Discussion / Questions to panelLunch hosted by the Danish Parliament in the Members RestaurantEnd of the Conference.
A 45 minute guided tour of the parliament (in English and French) will be offered to participants atthe close of the meeting.
Conference Venue
The Danish ParliamentChristiansborgDK-1240 Copenhagen KTel.: +45 3337 5500Havnegade 37DK-1058 Copenhagen KTel. +45 3348 9900Fax +45 3348 9901Website:[email protected]http://www.copenhagenstrand.comTrekroner SøfortTrekroner søfortOvergaden Neden vandet 291414 København KTelefon +45 3296 5353 Forrest, Presidency Coordinator+45 3337 3342, GSM +45 6162 4611Liza Christensen, Clerk Fiscal AffairsCommittee+45 3337 5521, GSM +45 6162 3079Jesper Thinghuus, Clerk Fiscal AffairsCommittee+45 3337 5514, GSM +45 6162 3081Jette Nedergaard, Clerk FinanceCommittee+45 3337 5522, GSM +45 6162 3080Peter Bohlbro, Clerk FinanceCommittee+45 3337 5560, GSM +45 6162 3136Birgitte Wern, Interpretation+45 3337 3205, GSM +45 6162 3471
Hotel CopenhagenStrand
Dinner Venue
WebsiteSmartphone app
www.presidency.dkMay be downloaded– available a few daysbefore the meeting.Participants will receive their identitybadges, documentation and other confe-rence material when they register on arrivalat the Strand Hotel on 19 March 2012. Del-egates arriving late will register in the lobbyof the Danish Parliament prior to the meet-ing.Available during check-in (see above). Forsecurity reasons all participants are re-quested to wear their badges throughoutthe entire conference.The organizers have provided simultaneousinterpretation in English, French and Da-nish.1stfloor – In front of the Conference HallDelegates will have assigned seating in theConference Hall. Delegates are requested tosit in their assigned seat. Delegation flagsand names cards will be clearly visible inthe Hall. Information on how to request thefloor and use the microphones will be avail-able in the Hall.1 - 117Tingstedet
Registration and information
DocumentsSeating and speech requests
SecretariatCopy Center
Send and receive : +45 3337 3242The Fax is in the Service Center, 1stfloor
Snapstinget, ground floorMonday 08.00 – 20.00Service Center, 1stfloorEveryday 10.00 – 16.001stfloorGround floorMonday 07.00 – 16.00Contact Security +45 3337 5602+45 3337 5603Dial 0 in order to call out of the houseSmoking is prohibited on the premises ofthe parliament. Please use specially markedsmoking booths (see map) or go outside.Will be severed during coffee breaks andthroughout the day in front of the Confe-rence Hall.The Great Hall, 1stfloorSee mapSevered in the Members Restaurant,ground floor room S - 133Participants are asked to arrange transportto and from the airport on their own.Taxi: Taxis are available at the airport andthe return transfer can be booked via thehotel. The cost of transfer from the airportto the city centre is approx. 200-300 Da-nish D.Kr.Trains from the airport: The ticket office islocated in Terminal 3 above the railwaystation. There are lifts and stairs betweenthe platforms and Terminal 3. The train op-erates between the airport and Copenhagen
Post Office
IT CentreToiletsLunch
Central Station. The travel time is approx.30 minutes.Metro from the airport: The Metro station islocated at the end of Terminal 3 and is cov-ered by the roof of the terminal. The Metrooperates at 4-6 minutes’ intervals duringthe day and evening hours and at 15-20minutes' intervals during the night. The tra-vel time from the airport to the centre ofCopenhagen (Kongens Nytorv Station) is 15minutes.CurrencyThe currency in Denmark is Danish kroner.1 euro = approx. 7,5 D.Kr.1 - 008 Please contact the Secretariat1 - 009 Please contact the SecretariatFree internet access is available throughoutthe Palace. Use the “Guest network” andconfirm the connection in your web brows-er.Please contact the Secretariat.Questions regarding the press and othermay be addressed to the Secretariat.The entire Conference will be broadcast liveon Danish national television (in Danish andoriginal language) and will also be availablelive on streaming immediately after theconference. It will also be available “on-demand”.
Meeting Room 1Meeting Room 2Wifi