Retsudvalget 2011-12
REU Alm.del Bilag 541
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home AffairsThe Chairman
To the Chair of the committee concerned
Honourable Chairperson,I am pleased to inform you that the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justiceand Home Affairs (LIBE) will organise anInter-parliamentary committee meeting with nationalParliaments on Tuesday 9 October and - Wednesday 10 October 2012in the EuropeanParliament's premises in Brussels on the issue ofthe EU Data Protection Reform.The reform includes two proposals, a general Regulation on the protection of individuals withregard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data(COM(2012)0011) and a Directive on processing of personal data by competent authorities forthe purposes of prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or theexecution of criminal penalties (COM(2012)0010). As such, the two proposals would replace thecurrent Directive 95/46/EC and Framework Decision 2008/977/JHA, and are reflecting theimportance of data protection as a fundamental right, as well as adapting the provisions on dataprotection to the newest standards reflecting the latest technological developments and pastexperience (including case-law) on data protection.This Data Protection "legislative package" is considered to be one of the main issues debatedduring this legislative period.Several national Parliaments have already provided their positions with respect to these proposals(e. g.: five reasoned opinions on the draft Regulation1) with respect to the issue of subsidiarity.The meeting will be an occasion to meet with various actors such as representatives of theCommission, Council Presidency, judges of the European Court of Justice and of the EuropeanCourt of Human Rights, the Fundamental Rights Agency, the European Data ProtectionSupervisor, national data protection authorities and law enforcement authorities, Europol,Eurojust, scholars, industry and civil society. As the European Regulation will have an impact oninternational level, some representatives of third countries and especially from U.S.A. will takepart in this event.
It will therefore provide very valuable input for the future works of the LIBE Rapporteurs, Mr JanPhillip Albrecht and Mr Dimitrios Droutsas, including the preparation of the two draft reportsscheduled for November/December 2012 in the LIBE Committee.I am thus very pleased to invite to this meeting a maximum of four members from the relevantcommittees of your Parliament (two from each chamber for bicameral national Parliaments).Should you be unable to attend, we would welcome any written contribution which can bedistributed to the participants.The final programme of this meeting and practical information will be forwarded to yourParliament's Representatives directly responsible for relations with the European Parliament.I look forward to your participation in our discussions.Yours sincerely,