OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2011-12
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 8
Copenhagen, 14 September 2011
Memorandum on the OSCE PA Observation of the Constituent Assembly Elections inTunisia, 23 October 2011President Petros Efthymiou has appointed Mr Riccardo Migliori, OSCE PA Vice-President, andMP from Italy, to head the OSCE PA Delegation. The OSCE PA mission will work in co-operation with other relevant parliamentary assemblies deployed in Tunisia.The International Secretariat has received approximately 70 registrations for the electionobservation mission to Tunisia.For any missing information, please send updated forms along with a scanned copy of eachMember’s passport to the International Secretariat (email:[email protected]fax: +43 15222684).VISAParticipants are responsible for taking care of their own immigration requirements. We advise thatyou enquire regarding visa requirements and formalities at your closest diplomatic or consularrepresentation of Tunisia.For the list of Embassies (in French):http://www.diplomatie.gov.tn/index.php?id=78For the list of Consulates:http://www.diplomatie.gov.tn/index.php?id=80For the non-resident diplomatic missions:http://www.diplomatie.gov.tn/index.php?id=79HOTELThe Hotel we have chosen for Tunis is:Les Berges du Lac ConcordeRue du Lac Turkana, 1053 Tunis.Tel. +216 719 619 51 / Fax: +216 71 960607http://tunis.concorde-hotels.com/en/?The prices are:Standard Room single occupancy: 154 EURO*Standard Room double occupancy 168 EURO**breakfast and VAT includedHotel rooms at OSCE PA rates at the Hyatt Les Berges du Lac Concorde are limited and theregistration deadline is20 September 2011.The hotel cancellation policy: Reservations cancelled 10 days prior to arrival will be free ofcharge. From 10 days to 3 days before arrival 30% of the total bill will be charged.For cancellations later than 3 days before arrival, 100% of the total will be charged._________________OSCE PA HeadquartersTordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., DenmarkPhone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30Website:www.oscepa.orgVienna OfficeNeustiftgasse 3/8, 1070 Vienna, AustriaPhone: +43 1 523 3002 – Fax: +43 1 5222684E-Mail: [email protected]
AIRPORT TRANSFERThe Hotel Les Berges du Lac provides airport transport for 12 EURO each way. We will notifythe hotel of your arrival if you request this service.DEPLOYMENT AREASDuring the pre-electoral visit by Vice President Migliori, it was recommended by all interlocutorsthat observers deploy throughout Tunisia. There were no indications of any security concerns forforeign observers from any of the interlocutors. However, every member should follow therelevant guidelines of her/his own Foreign Ministry.Based on this request, this information and on the logistics in place in Tunisia, we propose thefollowing Areas of Deployment:1.TUNIS(Le Berge du Lac Concorde)2.NABEUL(Le Berge du Lac Concorde, Tunis)3.SOUSSE / MONASTIR– transport by car (approx. 1 hour and 30 min. drive)Hotel in Sousse:Mövenpick Resort & Marine Spa Sousse
Boulevard 7 Novembre, P.O.box 114
TunisiaPhone: +216 73 202 000Fax: +216 73 202 111E-mail:[email protected]http://www.moevenpick-hotels.com/en/pub/hotels_resorts/worldmap/sousse/welcome.cfm4.SFAX– transport by car (approx. 2 hours and 30 min. drive)Hotel in Sfax:Hotel Les Oliviers PalacePhone: +216 74 201 999Fax: +216 74 201 88825, Avenue Hedi Chaker -3000Sfax - Tunisie[email protected]
http://www.goldenyasmin.com/oliviers-palace/fr/index.htm5.DJERBA– transport by plane (Flight on Saturday 22 October at 16.30 with Tunisair). Theteams deployed in Djerba can also cover Medenine and GabesHotel in Djerba:Hasdrubal Thalassa @ Spa DjerbaZone Touristique MidounB.P. N82 – 4116 Midoun Djerba – TunisiaPhone: +216 75 730 657_________________OSCE PA HeadquartersTordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., DenmarkPhone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30Website:www.oscepa.orgVienna OfficeNeustiftgasse 3/8, 1070 Vienna, AustriaPhone: +43 1 523 3002 – Fax: +43 1 5222684E-Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +216 75 730 730Email:[email protected]6.TOZEUR– transport by plane (Flight on Friday 21 October at 21.45 or on Saturday 22October at 15.00 with Tunisair). The teams deployed in Tozeur can also cover Gafsa and SidiBouzide.Hotel in TozeurHotel Ras El Ain BP 1412200 Tozeur TunisiaPhone +216 76452698Fax + 216 76452189Email: [email protected]http://www.goldenyasmin.com/ras-el-ain/en/diaporama.htmPRELIMINARY PROGRAMMEThe preliminary programme for the OSCE PA Observation Mission is as follows:Friday, 21 October from 10.00 to 18.00 Briefing ProgrammeHotel Les Berges du Lac, TunisSaturday, 22 October – deploymentSunday, 23 October from 07.00 to 19.00 Election ObservationEvening t.b.d. debriefing (more information on location and modalities later on)Monday, 24 October 13.00 (time t.b.c.) Press Conference at Hotel Les Berges du Lac, TunisMonday, 24 October - DeparturesA detailedbriefing programme and briefing materialsfor Members participating in the electionobservation mission will be sent out in due course. Please note that the Delegation’s workinglanguage isEnglish.In accordance with the OSCE PA Astana Declaration of 2008, participantsare expected to attend the full briefing programme and the debriefing. All Members shouldtherefore plan to be present in Tunis no later than the evening of Thursday 20 October.We have been working with local partners in order to find suitable cars/drivers and interpreters forour teams for Election Day. I would like to remind you that national parliaments are responsiblefor all expenses incurred by their Members. The costs must be paid directly to the drivers andinterpreters. Please bring sufficient funds with you for this purpose. We also urge Members tohave health and travel insurance valid in Tunisia.
_________________OSCE PA HeadquartersTordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., DenmarkPhone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30Website:www.oscepa.orgVienna OfficeNeustiftgasse 3/8, 1070 Vienna, AustriaPhone: +43 1 523 3002 – Fax: +43 1 5222684E-Mail: [email protected]
CARS/DRIVERSThe cost for a car/driver for Election Day only on 23 October.Car for two observers: 160 EURO (80 Euro per observer).Car for three observers: 260 EURO (87 Euro per observer).The cost for a car/driver for Saturday 22 October and Election Day 23 OctoberCar for two observers: 300 EURO (150 Euro per observer).Car for three observers: 500 EURO (250 Euro per observer).Observers will also have to pay for fuel.INTERPRETERSWe are still negotiating the cost of interpreters for polling day. We will circulate thisinformation as soon as it becomes available.
OUT OF COUNTRY VOTINGTunisians living outside the country will elect a total of 18 representatives. Voters will be giventhe opportunity to vote in all diplomatic and consular representations of Tunisia throughout theworld. This means that Tunisians will have the possibility to vote in most OSCE capitals. Votingfrom abroad can take place one day or more before 23 October. Vice President Migliori hasindicated to the local authorities in Tunisia the intention of the PA to also observe elections inOSCE capitals. If you are interested in observing the out of country voting in your capital, pleaseinform us by Thursday 29 September so that we can follow up with details regarding accreditationand modalities of observation.
Roberto Montella
Deputy Director for Field OperationsContacts:Roberto Montella, Deputy Director for Field Operations:[email protected]tel: +43 699 10 42 86 81Marc Carillet, Deputy Director for Administration:[email protected]tel: +43 1 522 2682Christian Pauzenberger, Research Assistant[email protected]tel: +43 1 523 3002_________________OSCE PA HeadquartersTordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., DenmarkPhone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30Website:www.oscepa.orgVienna OfficeNeustiftgasse 3/8, 1070 Vienna, AustriaPhone: +43 1 523 3002 – Fax: +43 1 5222684E-Mail: [email protected]