OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2011-12
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 45
Annual Session NewsThursdayt5 July 2012Daily information from the OSCE PA International Secretariat
Welcome to the 21st Annual SessionGreetings to Members of the OSCE Parliamentary AssemblyOn behalf of the NationalCouncil, the Parliament of thePrincipality of Monaco, I havethe honour of welcoming you tothe 21st Annual Session of theParliamentary Assembly of theOrganization for Security andCo-operation in Europe (OSCE),to be held in Monaco from 5 to 9July 2012.The OSCE has historically played a leading role instrengthening dialogue and mutual understanding duringperiods of tension and conflict that may have affected theparticipating States of our intergovernmental organiza-tion, from Vancouver to Vladivostok.Today, in a world that is constantly changing andmarked by the resurgence of political, democratic, eco-nomic, migratory and environmental tension, the OSCEremains an essential forum for debate and a key playeron the international scene, thanks to the experience it hasacquired over a long period, especially in the areas ofpreventing conflict and supporting democracy.This 21st Annual Session will therefore have the gen-eral theme of “The OSCE: A Region of Change.” It willallow us, as Parliamentarians, to discuss the OSCE’sagenda, as well as problems that affect our participat-ing States. I am sure that our discussions in Monaco willonce again prove very fruitful and constructive.I also hope that, during your stay, you will be able todiscover the real face of Monaco, with its extraordinaryhistory, its openness towards the world and its entrepre-neurial, charitable, artistic and creative dynamism, all ofwhich contribute to the real wealth of the Principality.I look forward to having the pleasure of welcomingyou to Monaco in the near future.Yours sincerely,Dear Colleagues,
ProgrammeThursday, 5 July09.00 – 12.00Meeting of the StandingCommitteeCamille BlancLunch breakInaugural Plenary SessionPrince Pierre
12.00 – 14.3014.30 – 16.00
Call to order and opening remarks by the President ofthe OSCE Parliamentary AssemblyAddresses by the Host OfficialsAddress by the Chairman-in-Office of the OSCEfollowed by a question/answer session16.00 – 16.3016.30 – 18.00Coffee breakPlenary Session (cont’d)
Address by the President of the ParliamentaryAssembly of the Council of EuropeAddress by the Secretary General of the OSCEfollowed by a question/answer sessionReport by the OSCE PA Special Representative onGender Issues, followed by a debateConsideration of Supplementary Items19.30 – 22.00 Welcome reception hosted by theMinister of State of the Principality of Monaco(Prime Minister)Hotel Le Meridien Beach Plaza
Jean-Francois RobillonSpeaker of the National Council of Monaco
For further information: Secretary General R. Spencer Oliver; Director of Communications Neil Simon, E-mail [email protected], Tel +45 60 10 83 80;or Editorial Director Nat Parry, E-mail [email protected], Tel +377 680 869 646 | www.oscepa.org