OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2011-12
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 32
AS (12) DRS 1 EOriginal: English
The OSCE: Region of ChangeRAPPORTEURMs. Vilija Aleknaite AbramikieneLithuania
MONACO, 5 - 9 JULY 2012
1. Recalling past OSCE PA resolutions on security-related issues, reform of the OSCE, andincreasing the co-operation between the OSCE’s executive structures and the ParliamentaryAssembly, as well as the Astana Commemorative Declaration and the relevant 2011 VilniusMinisterial Council Decisions,2. Reaffirming that security begins with the inherent dignity of the individual and recognizingthat the OSCE comprehensive approach to security remains a key concept for successfullyaddressing the security challenges of the twenty-first century,3. Stressing the indispensable contribution of the OSCE to the establishment of unique armscontrol and confidence-building regimes in the area from Vancouver to Vladivostok,4. Welcoming the decision to reissue the Vienna Document and regretting that consensus couldnot be reached on more substantial political agreements, and urging to continue to furtherupdate and modernize the Vienna Document under the “Vienna Document Plus” procedure,5. Encouraging continued efforts to further improve the implementation of the Code ofConduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security, efforts in the field of arms controlagreements and confidence- and security-building measures, efforts to support regionalimplementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 in accordance with the Forum forSecurity Co-operation’s mandate, and efforts in other areas,6. Regretting that several participating States have moved further away from implementingtheir OSCE commitments, and reiterating that dealing with and strengthening activities inthe sphere of national security should not be done at the expense of human rights anddemocracy,7. Expressing deep regret that unresolved conflicts still exist in the OSCE area, leading to theemergence of new tensions and triggering further human suffering, as well as hamperingsocio-economic development and prospects for prosperity,8. Being aware of the negative impact that the financial crisis is exerting on the securityenvironment and the limitations it has put on national and international efforts aimed ataddressing risks and challenges to our common security as well as on strengthening theOSCE capacity in that area,The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:9. Urges OSCE participating States to work to further update the Vienna Document prior to theDublin Ministerial Council Meeting in order to increase transparency and predictability,which would entail lowering the thresholds at which States are obliged to inform each otherof their military exercises, increasing the opportunities for verification activity, modernizing
and updating the exchange of military information, strengthening risk reduction mechanismsand enlarging the scope of confidence- and security-building measures;10. Calls for a new start to the negotiations on the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treatyand strongly encourages all countries party to the Treaty to honour their obligations underthis regime;11. In this regard, stresses the importance of the principle of territorial integrity, and calls onparticipating States to refrain from organizing exercises or events on foreign ground withoutthe previous consent of the host nation;12. Calls on all parties involved in unresolved conflicts to intensify their efforts to generatepeaceful and viable solutions;13. Reaffirms that systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms whichcurrently take place in some OSCE participating States, in combination with an absence ofstrong democratic institutions and deviations from the rule of law, represent a serious threatto security and stability;14. Emphasizes the importance of monitoring the implementation by participating States of theirhuman dimension commitments during all phases of the conflict cycle, and calls on theOSCE Ministerial Council to strengthen an implementation review function within theOSCE;15. Calls for a comprehensive and timely implementation of the Vilnius Ministerial CouncilDecision on “Elements of the Conflict Cycle, Related to Enhancing the OSCE’s Capabilitiesin Early Warning, Early Action, Dialogue Facilitation and Mediation Support, and Post-Conflict Rehabilitation”;16. Encourages national parliaments in conflict areas to take an active role in reconciliationefforts and in informing and convincing the electorate of the need to work towardscompromise to reach peace;17. Urges an immediate implementation of the 2010 OSCE PA Oslo Declaration with regard tofacilitating the voluntary return in safety and dignity of all refugees and internally displacedpersons from the 2008 war in Georgia;18. Urges all participating States to use instruments of the economic and environmentaldimension as confidence-building measures in order to establish and strengthen co-operationbetween parties in conflict areas;19. Emphasizes the importance of political pluralism in national politics, particularly withinparliaments, and urges participating States to ensure the democratic right of political partiesto stand for election in a free and unhindered way to promote multi-party systems;20. Calls on the OSCE to deepen contact and co-operation with Afghanistan and to helpstrengthen ties between Afghanistan and the Central Asian States in order to address the
security challenges and the risk of spill-over, especially in light of the planned withdrawal ofthe International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) from Afghanistan;21. Calls on the OSCE to undertake the necessary internal reforms to enable an effectiveresponse to the new security related environment whilst reflecting current financialrestrictions:i. Reiterates its call for the OSCE to develop multi-year programmatic planning topursue longer-term strategies of its activities;ii. Repeats its recommendation for the modification of the consensus rule fordecision-making, at least with regards to decisions related to personnel, budgetand administration issues;iii. Repeats its call for the OSCE to adjust the existing periods of service with theaim to improve continuity and retention of institutional memory;iv. Again stresses the important role of the OSCE Institutions and field operationsand the need to ensure that the necessary resources are available for theirmandated activities;v. Renews its call for the re-opening of an OSCE presence in Belarus as well as inGeorgia based on a status-neutral agreement;vi. Encourages the OSCE to improve co-ordination between the Secretariat,Institutions and field operations, in order to avoid duplication and maximizeefficient utilization of resources;vii. Welcomes the establishment, within the OSCE Secretariat, of a Departmentaddressing Transnational Threats and reiterates its support for the OSCEactivities in this field;viii. Calls for the OSCE to organize an exchange of views and best practices onconfidence- and security-building measures, including in the area of cybersecurity and counter-terrorism, with a view to exploring the possibility forbuilding new OSCE commitments;ix. Calls on the OSCE to adopt the strategic framework for police-related activitiesbased on promotion of democratic policing principles that was developed byOSCE participating States under the Lithuanian OSCE Chairmanship during2011.

The OSCE: Region of Change

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