OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2011-12
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 28
Draft Agenda
Meeting of the Bureauof the OSCE Parliamentary AssemblyCopenhagen, 23 April 2012
Adoption of the Agenda.Welcoming remarks by the Head of Danish Delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:Mr. Peter Juel JensenReport by the President of the OSCE Parliamentary AssemblyReport by the Treasurer of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly: Mr. Roberto Battelli.Report by the Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly: Mr. Spencer Oliver.Remarks by the Representative of the Irish OSCE Chairmanship Task Force,TBC
Presentation of the Draft Reports and Draft Resolutions for the 21Rapporteurs of the General Committees followed by debates:7.1.st
Annual Session by the
Presentation by Ms. Vilija Aleknaite Abramikiene - Rapporteur of the GeneralCommittee on Political Affairs and Security.Presentation by Mr. Tony Lloyd – Rapporteur of the General Committee onEconomic Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment.Presentation by Mr. Coskun Coruz – Rapporteur of the General Committee onDemocracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions.
Reports and Information on Activities of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly: RepresentativesElection Observation Missions
Information on upcoming meetings of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:----Economic Conference on 12-14 May in Batumi, GeorgiaTwenty-first Annual Session on 5-9 July in Monaco;Fall Meetings in Tirana, Albania (dates TBC);Bureau on 5 December in Dublin, Ireland
Other Business