Dear Heads of Delegations,The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has received an invitation to observe the parliamentaryelections in Armenia which are scheduled for 6 May 2012. President Petros Efthymiou hasdecided to deploy an Election Observation Mission to these elections. As usual, the OSCE PAwill work in co-operation with the OSCE ODIHR and other international parliamentaryinstitutions present during the elections.Those interested in obtaining more information about the Election Observation Mission areasked to contact Deputy Secretary General Tina Schøn or Operations Officer Iryna Sabashuk([email protected]) at the International Secretariat.Please find attached a registration form for Members wishing to observe these elections. Wekindly ask you to return the completed form with a copy of the Members’ passport to theInternational Secretariat as soon as possible butno later than 16 April 2012. Please note that
due to observer registration procedures, no late registrations will be possible.
All observersare expected to arrive in Yerevan in time to attend the briefings beginning on 4-5 May and stayfor the debriefing on the morning of 7 May. We are currently looking at logistical aspects of thismission and will be circulating more practical information, including about recommended hotelaccommodation soon.I wish to remind you that national parliaments are responsible for all expenses of their membersand that all meetings and briefings will be conducted in English.