OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2011-12
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 27
Copenhagen, 21 March 2012
Memorandum on the OSCE PA Observation of theParliamentary Elections in Armenia, 6 May 2012DelegationThe OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has received an official invitation from the President of theNational Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Samvel Nikoyan, to send a delegation to observethe parliamentary elections in the Republic of Armenia on 6 May 2012. President Petros Efthymiouhas decided to send an election observation mission to this election, and he has appointed the Head ofthe Belgian Delegation to the Assembly, Mr. Francois-Xavier De Donnea, to head the PA Mission.The OSCE PA will co-operate with the long-term observers deployed by the OSCE/ODIHR as wellas with the other parliamentary institutions present.The International Secretariat is currently receiving registrations for the election observation missionto Armenia. Please find attached the registration form which we kindly ask you to complete andreturn before thedeadline on 16 April 2012with a copy of each Member’s passport.HotelsA pre-booking for the OSCE PA Delegation has been made at two hotels:Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan1, Amiryan Street, YerevanTel: +374 1 059 92 55Fax : +374 1 059 92 65http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/evnmc-armenia-marriott-hotel-yerevan/Price:AMD135 000 (ca. €270) per night for a standard single room incl.20% VAT and breakfastAMD145 000 (ca. €290) per night for a standard double room incl. 20% VAT and breakfast.Please note that the Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan has the following cancellation policy: no-showor cancellationafter 20 April 2012will applycancelation fee for full length of the stay.Golden Tulip Yerevan Hotel14, Abovian Street, YerevanTel: +374 1 58 94 00Fax: +374 1 52 82 91http://www.goldentulipyerevan.com/_________________Tordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., DenmarkPhone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30 - [email protected] -www.oscepa.org
Price:AMD 58 000 (ca. €114) per night for a standard single room incl. 20% VAT and breakfast64 000 (ca. €125) per night for a standard double room incl. 20% VAT and breakfast.Please note that the Golden Tulip Yerevan Hotel has the following cancellation policy: no-show orcancellationafter April 26 2012will result in yourcredit card being charged for one night’s stay.Attached arethe hotel booking formswhich we kindly ask you to complete and forward to thehotels, with a copy to Iryna Sabashuk ([email protected]) as soon as possible. Accommodation inYerevan is rather limited and with a large number of international observers traveling to Armenia,late bookings will be a problem.We therefore urge delegates to book their hotel rooms as earlyas possible.
Preliminary ProgrammeThe preliminary programme for the OSCE PA Observer Mission is as follows:Friday, 4 MayRegistration outside the Briefing RoomAll day - Briefing programme –Armenia Marriott Hotel YerevanSaturday, 5 May10:00 – 11:00 Technical arrangements and Deployment of PA STO teams -Armenia Marriott Hotel YerevanSunday, 6 MayObservationMonday, 7 May08:30 Debriefing –Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan(for delegates withoutovernight stay in their deployment place)Press conference and departuresA detailedparliamentary briefing programme and briefing materialsfor Members participatingin the election observation mission will be sent out shortly.In accordance with the OSCE PA Astana Declaration 2008, participants are expected to attendthe full briefing programme as well as the debriefing. All Members should therefore plan to bepresent in Yerevan no later than the morning of 4 May.Please note that the Delegation’s working language isEnglish.VisasMembers whose country has an Armenian Diplomatic Representation are requested to apply for andcollect their Armenian visas before departure for Yerevan.Airport transferWe are looking into airport transfer possibilities for the Delegation. We will send you more detailsabout this as soon as possible.Please also note that there is an exit fee (airport tax) of AMD 10 000 (Approx. EUR 20) which eachobserver will be required to pay to the airport upon departure from Yerevan in AMD.
DeploymentOn 6 May Members will be deployed to observe the elections in teams of two. Those who have anyspecial wishes concerning the place of their deployment are kindly asked to inform the InternationalSecretariat as soon as possible.We encourage Members to deploy outside of Yerevan.Car/driver and interpreter on Election DayThe OSCE/ODIHR will assist us in finding suitable cars/drivers and interpreters for our teams forElection Day. Please let the Secretariat know if your Embassy in Yerevan will provide Members witha car and an interpreter.The cost for a car/driver on Election Day will be communicated shortly.I would like to remind you that national parliaments are responsible for their own Member’sexpenses, including any Hotel cancellations.We also urge Members to have health and travelinsurance that is valid in Armenia.
Yours sincerely,
Tina SchønDeputy Secretary General