Miljøudvalget 2011-12
MIU Alm.del Bilag 259
Federal Environmental Agencyin the Federal State of HessHessischen Ministerium für Umvelt, Energie,Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (HMULF)z.H. Herrn Edgar FreundMainzer Str 8065189 WiesbadenSend to[email protected] MST-1272-01016Ref. Evalu/yvkorDen xx. marts 2012
Export of a Danish incineration plant to GermanyThe Danish Ministry of the Environment would hereby like to inform the FederalEnvironmental Agency of the intention of a Danish company, DONG EnergyPower A/S, to export mechanical and electrical parts of an incineration plant andsome of the plant buildings to the German company: LOHRMANN InternationalGmbH, Taunusstrasse 5a, 65183 Wiesbaden, Germany.This information is forwarded to you, because the Danish legislation requiresnotification of information to the receiving country in the case of export of certainused production plants, which may pose a risk of significant pollution, if suitablecountermeasures are not taken. Specific for the export of an incineration plant thenotification procedure shall be applied, when the plant can produce >50 tonnes ofhazardous waste per year in the form of flue gas cleaning residues whenincinerating waste.The parts, which are going to be exported, are the following main components:fuel supply systemsfurnace and boilerturbine and generatorfuel gas cleaning system including cyclone, bag filter, silo for activatedcarbon and silo for limeAsh/bottom ash handling systemEmergency diesel generatorFeed water and condensate systemCooling systemComplete electrical system, instrumentation and control system
Miljøstyrelsen Odense • C.F. Tietgens Boulevard 40 • 5220 Odense SØTlf. 72 54 40 00 • Fax 33 32 22 28 • CVR 25798376 • EAN (drift)5798000863002 (tilskud)5798000863019 • [email protected] •
Buildings:The building for receipt and conveying of clinical hazardous wasteThe building housing the flue gas cleaning system
Further information about the plant equipment, the receiver anddisposer of the plant equipment can be found in Annex A to this letter.The Department of Environment is kindly asked to forward the information aboutthe export to the relevant competent authority in Germany.According to Danish legislation a provisional prohibition of the export of theproduction plant is valid until the of April 2012. The reason for the provisionalprohibition is to give the competent authority in the receiving country sufficienttime to make up its mind about the import of a plant posing a possible significantenvironmental pollution.The Danish Environmental Agency does not consider this plant to pose a possiblethreat of significant environmental pollution. If the German authorities wish toreceive additional information about the plant and its environmental performance,please contact the disposer or the buyer of the production plant. If the Germanauthorities impose a prohibition of the import or require longer time to consider thecase, please notify this directly to the buyer and/or the disposer of the incinerationplant.
Best regardsEva LundM.Sc. environmental engineeringDecentral (Odense)Direct phone: (+45) 72 54 41 91Mobile:(+45) 40 59 82 46[email protected]
C.F. Tietgens Boulevard 40DK - 5220 Odense SØPhone: (+45) 72 54 40
Annex A
Notification of export of theproduction plant at Vejen CHPPlant, Denmark
PreparedCheckedAcceptedApprovedDoc. no.Ver. no.Case no.
Niels Bo Poulsen (NIEHY), 2 March 2012Maria Borne Jensen (MABOJ), 2 March 2012
Notification of export of the production plant at Vejen CHP Plant
Doc. no. 1169058(ver. no. 1169058A)
DONG Energy closed down the incineration plant at Vejen CHP Plant in the beginning of November2010.A potential buyer of the mechanical and electrical parts of the plant and some of the buildings hascome forward with the intention to re-build the plant in Poland. The buyer is mainly interested inbuying the following main components:---------Fuel supply systemsFurnace and boilerTurbine and generatorFlue gas cleaning system including cyclone, bag filter, silo for activated carbon and silo forlimeAsh/bottom ash handling systemsEmergency diesel generatorFeedwater and condensate systemCooling systemComplete electrical system, instrumentation and control system
and the following buildings:--The building for receipt and conveying of clinical hazardous wasteThe building housing the flue gas cleaning system.
This notification to the authorities is made to comply with the requirements of Order no. 1189 of 12December 2011 on duty of notification in relation to export of certain production plants, which cameinto effect on 31 December 2011.
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Notification of export of the production plant at Vejen CHP Plant
Doc. no. 1169058(ver. no. 1169058A)
Information for use in the notification in accordance with Annex 2 to the Order.
1. Seller of the production plant
DONG Energy Power A/SKraftværksvej 537000 FredericiaDenmarkTel. +45 99 55 11 11Company registration no. 18 93 66 74[email protected]2. Buyer of the production plant
The company which will buy the plant for resale:LOHRMANN International GmbHTaunusstrasse 5a65183 Wiesbaden, GermanyContact: Andreas ZemelkaTel.+49 611 50402 0Fax+49 611 50402 50Mobile +49 172 6942489E-mail: [email protected]Web: www.lohrmann.comIt is not known at present to whom the above company will sell the plant, but it is certain that theplant will be rebuilt in Poland.3. Environmental control authority in Denmark
Miljøstyrelsen Odense, C. f. Tietgens Boulevard 40, 5220 Odense SØ. Contact: Eva Lund([email protected]).4. Type of production plant
Grate-fired incineration plant that generated electricity and heat with bottom ash and flue gascleaning residue as by-products.The fuels were industrial waste, municipal waste, clinical hazardous waste (non-pathologic hospitalwaste), paint dust and biomass.Consumables with significant environmental relevance were lime and activated carbon.5. Shutdown of operation in Denmark
Operation was closed down in the beginning of November 2010.6. Remaining useful life of the production plant
Based on DONG Energy’s maintenance policy, the projected remaining useful technical life of theproduction plant is estimated to 8-10 years.
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Notification of export of the production plant at Vejen CHP Plant
Doc. no. 1169058(ver. no. 1169058A)
7. Items according to the Annexes 1 A and B of the Order
Item K 106 of Annex 1 A.Item d of Annex 1 B as the plant can produce >50 tonnes of hazardous waste per year in the form offlue gas cleaning residues when incinerating waste.8. Information about environmental regulations
Vejen CHP Plant operated under an environmental licence issued by Ribe Amt dated 3 December2004.No prohibited substances or substances being phased out in Denmark were used, cf Annex 1 B,subparagraph b and h.9. Environmental requirements for the plant applicable for operation in Denmark and
information on actual emissions etc
The environmental licence contains terms and conditions, including emission requirements, that arein accordance with the directive on incineration of waste as the terms and conditions were based onthe Danish implementation of the directive through Order no. 162 of 11 March 2003 on plantsincinerating waste.Gaseous emissions:
a. + b.Monitoring only covered substances of which monitoring was required in the environmental licence,and which were thus considered by the authorities to be important to the incineration plant. Theresults of the latest performance test carried out on 9 July 2010:Cd+Tl:Hg:Sb+As+Pb+Cr+Co+Cu+Mn+Ni+V:Dioxins/furans:The values are well below the limit values.c. No asbestos was released.d. Technically not relevant as the thermal input was <50MW. SO2emissions were typically0-6mg/Nm3.The requirement is maximum 50mg/Nm3according to the EU directive text for waste incinerationplants.e. Technically not relevant as the thermal input was <50MW. NOxemissions were typically 130-190mg/Nm3.The requirement is maximum 400mg/Nm3according to the EU directive text for waste incinerationplants.f. No ozone-layer depleting substances were released.Wastewater discharge:
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Notification of export of the production plant at Vejen CHP Plant
Doc. no. 1169058(ver. no. 1169058A)
The plant only discharged small amounts of process waste water in the form of waste water from thedeionate system. This is characteristic of incineration plants with dry flue gas cleaning. The wastewater was mixed with water from continuous pumping away of clean groundwater (due to a highgroundwater table). No separate monitoring of the deionate waste water was performed.g. Nutrient salts (N and P): Not relevant with this type of waste water.h. Heavy metals: Not monitored. Will be negligible as it is clean water with increased salinity.i. Organic compounds: Will be negligible as it is clean water with increased salinity.Hazardous waste:
j. Mainly an annual amount of dry flue gas cleaning residue (EWC code 19 01 07) of approx 1,000tonnes.And in addition very small amounts of hazardous waste such as waste oil and similar.Risks:
k. + l. The risk of large accidents involving environmentally hazardous substances was non-existent(among other things because large amounts of ammonia and oil were not stored at the plant).Genetic engineering:
m. Not relevant for this plant.10. Antipollution measures
a. Dry flue gas cleaning in cyclone reactor with addition of lime and activated carbon andsubsequent bag filter.b. pH standardisation of deionate waste water and sedimentation in sedimentation basin.c. Optimisation of the flue gas cleaning process to avoid unnecessary lime consumption and thusunnecessary production of flue gas cleaning residue.d. The incineration plant generated and distributed electricity and heat. The nominal energyefficiency was 80%.11. Disposal of hazardous waste
The flue gas cleaning residue was utilised in mines in Germany and Norway with permissions forthis.The small amounts of other hazardous waste such as waste oil were collected for environmentallyapproved disposal.12. Environmental aspects of closing down the production plant
The production plant will not contain pollutants when it is exported.The operation of the plant in it self has not caused any pollution requiring corrective measures.13. Alternative, less polluting technology
We are not aware of alternative technology that overall is significantly less polluting than thisincineration plant, except that injection of ammonia water in the flue gas at the right temperaturewould be able to reduce NOxemissions.The incineration plant is approved by the environmental authority as meeting the current BAT notes.
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