Ligestillingsudvalget 2011-12
LIU Alm.del Bilag 79
MinistryofI 111IGender Equalityandl / l V lEcclesiasticalAffairs
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MsVlvianeRedingVice-Presidentofthe EuropeanCommissionMr MichelBarnierMemberofEuropeanCommissionRue dela Loi,200B-1049 BruxellesBelgiumDearVice-PresidentRedingand CommissionerBarnierThe Danish Governmentsharesthe concerns ofthe Commissionwith regard togender imbalance incorporate boards inthe European Union.Atthe momentweare notmakingoptimal use ofthe existingtalent poolofcandidates andthismay impede the economic growth throughout the European Union and itsmemberstates.The Danish Government finds that measures should be flexible, respect therightofcompaniestoself-management andshouldavoidunnecessary adminis-trative burdens. Therefore the Danish Government does not support manda-toryquotas forwomenoncompanyboards.The DanishGovernmenthoweveragreeswith the Commission'sstance thatac-tions to improvethe gender balance incorporate boards are needed, and thatthe efforts made sofarare notenough. Therefore,wewould liketoinformyouthat the DanishGovernment is currently preparing two proposals to amendrelevant legislationinorder to counteract this imbalanceinthe proportion ofwomen in boardrooms. The Government's legislativeproposal will primarilyencompass the 1,100 largest companies which among others includelistedcompanies,state-owned companiesandcommercial foundations.Thesecompanieswillberequiredtosettarget figures ofthe number oftheun-der-represented gender in the corporate boards. Bygivingthe companies flexi-bility to set their owntarget figures the modeltakes into account the differ-ences between various industries and the characteristics of the individualcompanies. Such an approach balances the promotion of gender equalityingoverning bodies with the respect for the right of companies to self-management.Hence,the principleofflexibility allowsforthecompaniestoset ambitiousandrealistictargetfiguresthatreflectsthe broader context ofthe givenindustryaswell as the current conditionof the company itself.This will inturn create asenseofownershiptothe process and motivatethe companiesto further focuson balancedrecruitmentand otherspecificinitiatives.The companieswillhavetoreport annuallyontheirtargetfiguresand progressinthe annualreport which willbepubliclyavailable.Thecompanies havetoin-MINISTRY OF G E N D E REQUALITY A N D E C C L E S I -ASTICAL AFFAIRSFrederiksholm! Kanal 21DK-1220 Kø« dkTel.:+462268 8566E-mail:
MINISTRY O F BUSINESSA N D GROWTHSlotsholmsgade 10-12DK-1216 CopenhagenKwww.evm.dkTo!44633023360E-maH:


Ministerietfor LigestillingogKirke
form - where appropriate - ofthe reasons for not meeting with the set targetfigures. The transparency will create an incentive to be ambitious in settingtargetsandworkingtowards them.The 1,100 companies will be required to formulate a policy to increase thenumber ofthe under-represented gender when itcomes to executives ingen-eral within the organisation.This will help to promote a more equal balanceandtoincreasethe recruitmentbaseof candidates tocompanyboards.Ifthe companiesdonotcomplywiththe requirements ofsettingatargetfigureandestablishpolicies,theywill bemetwith sanctions (fines).State-owned companies and central government institutions must set targetfiguresandprepare apolicyto increase the shareofwomen inmanagement aswell. State-owned companies should seek an equal gender balance.Howevertherecanbereasons whyitisnotpossibletoachievethe goalset bylawwhichis whyitis a"should"and not "shall"provision.Thereason forhavingthisgoalis simple-,the State shouldtake thelead.This regulatoryapproach has already provenits merits inthe broader contextof corporate social responsibility. Since2009 the same group of 1,100Danishcompanies has been obligedto report on their work with CSR intheir annualreports.Thisinitiativehas significantly heightened the focusonCSR amongthecompanies and their willingness to incura social responsibility.The key prin-ciplesbehindthissuccessare flexibilityand transparency.SeveralMemberStatesofthe EuropeanUnionhaveexpressed concernsabouta"onefitsall-solution"duetothe detrimentaleffects forEuropeanbusinesses.In this regard the Danishgovernment would like to underline that a flexibleapproach which can encompass the varietyofbusinesses isextremelyimpor-tant inorder not to interfere vigorouslywith the responsibility of corporateboards.The DanishGovernmentfindsthat the outlinedprinciplescan lead toequallysuccessful results ifapplied ininitiatives topromote gender diversityboth na-tionallyand inthe EuropeanUnion.Wehope the Danish modelcanbeofinspi-ration,andwewould be pleased to givefurther detailsand discuss the matterwiththe Commission.Yourssincerely
Manu SareenMinisterof GenderEqualityandEcclesiastical AffairsCC:TheEuropeanCommission
Ole SohnMinisterofBusinessandGrowth