Ligestillingsudvalget 2011-12
LIU Alm.del Bilag 28
Empowering rural women: What role for parliaments?A parliamentary event organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and UN Women on theoccasion of the 56thSession of the Commission on the Status of Women
29 February 2012, UN Headquarters, New York
AGENDA29 February 201210.00- 10.30 a.m.10.30 -10.45 a.m.10.45 a.m.- 1 p.m.Welcome remarksGeneral introduction - Rural women today: Progress and challenges aheadTheme 1: Political empowerment of rural womenThe session will discuss rural women’s involvement in the political process. How active andrepresented are rural women? What is there role in national politics? What measures can betaken to enhance their political participation in parliament? at local level?The session will also discuss how responsive Parliaments are to rural women’s needs andinterests. How do members of parliament take into account rural women’s needs into theirwork? How are rural women consulted? What visibility and attention is given to ruralwomen’s needs in the work of parliament? What partnership between parliaments and ruralorganizations, such as farmers’ organizations and rural women’s organizations?Presentations will be followed by an open debate.1 p.m. - 3 p.m.Lunch break
Theme 2: Strategic objectives for the empowerment of rural women3 p.m.– 4 p.m.Addressing discrimination in the lawThe session will examine discriminatory provisions in the law that limit rural women’sempowerment. It will in particular touch upon discrimination related to access to land,property and credit as well as to inheritance.Presentations will be followed by an open debate.4 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.Ensuring access to healthThe session will discuss existing gaps in the provision of health services to rural women. Itwill highlight parliamentary initiatives that can be taken, based on current good practices.Particular attention will be placed on access to health as a right and the link between ruralwomen’s empowerment and the achievement of the health Millennium Development Goals.Presentations will be followed by an open debate.5.30 p.m. – 6 p.m.Closing session