Ligestillingsudvalget 2011-12
LIU Alm.del Bilag 26
Til:undisclosed-recipientsEmne:Invitation to the Workshop on the Multi-annual Financial Framework from a Gender EqualityPerspective - 26 January 2012, 9.00-12.30.
Dear Madame/Sir,
You are kindly invited to the theWorkshop on the Multi-annual Financial Framework from a GenderEquality Perspective,which will take place on26 January 2012, 9.00-12.30 the EuropeanParliament in Brussels.During the workshop, experts from Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini will present their assessment of theinstruments for the next European Multiannual Financial Framework (2014-2020), proposed by the EuropeanCommission, from a gender perspective. Besides a general approach of gender budgeting, their analysisconcerns areas such as, economic independence, education, health/well-being/environment, fundamentalrights, external relations. The detailed programme is attached for your information.The workshop is open for the public.In order to attend, please fill in the attached registration form andsend it to Ms Erika SCHULZE:Kind regards,
Secretariat of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender EqualityEuropean ParliamentCommittee webpage