Ligestillingsudvalget 2011-12
LIU Alm.del Bilag 26
Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
Draft PROGRAMMEWorkshop*on
The Multi-annual Financial Framework 2014-2020from a Gender Equality PerspectiveThursday, 26 January 2012, from 9.00 am to 12.30 pmEuropean Parliament, Brussels,Room: Altiero Spinelli Building 3G2The workshop will be chaired by Mikael Gustafsson9.00–9.059.05-9.15Opening by the ChairIntroduction by the draftspersonof the FEMM opinion on the proposal for aCouncil Regulation laying down the multi-annual financial framework for theyears 2014-2020
Each of the presentations by the experts of Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) will befollowed by a question and answer session with Members and NGO representativesintroduced by the respective draftpersons9.15–9.35Francesca Bettio, University of Siena, Italy, FGBIntroduction into the method of gender budgetingFrancesca Bettio, FGBECONOMIC INDEPENDENCEAssesses the impact of the proposals on the employment situation of women andmen, the work/private life balance, pensions, women entrepreneurship and thefight against povertyResponse by Members*
organised by the Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs
Danièle Meulders, L'Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, FGBEDUCATIONAssesses the impact of the proposals on education and training of women andmen, on life long learning, the EU as a knowledge society and a world widecompetitor in innovation, as well as on the integration of migrantsResponse by Members
Antigone Lyberaki, Panteion University, Greece, FGBHEALTH/WELL-BEING/ENVIRONMENTAssesses the impact of the proposals on health, environment, social protectionand infrastructureResponse by Members
Jill Rubery, University of Manchester, UK, FGBFUNDAMENTAL RIGHTSAssesses the impact on the implementation of fundamental rights, notably on theelimination of violence against women, antidiscrimination and participation ofwomen in decision making as well as protection measures (among which asylum)Response by Members
11.55–12.25 Annamaria Simonazzi, La Sapienza University, Rome, FGBEXTERNAL RELATIONSAssesses the impact on the implementation of gender equality in the Union'sexternal relations, notably measures against violence against women,participation of women in decision making as well as protection measures,among which civil and military interventionResponse by Members12.25-12.30Closure of the Workshop by the Chair