Kulturudvalget 2011-12
KUU Alm.del Bilag 139
INVITATIONNAPO 2012, 22 March 2012CREATIVITY ONLINE - DARE WE?Creative Content Protection - Annual ConferenceRettighedsAlliancen is pleased to invite you to a one day-bonanza of facts, fun and fear.As part of the Nordic Content Protection Conference anno 2012, we invite you todiscover the latest knowledge within our field – facts and figure, principles and practice.We will dig into the following subjectsINSIGHTS – we will launch a broadside of facts and figures on creativity online,spiced up with culture economics – can the culture business survive the digitalage?BEHIND ACTA - what is ACTA about, and is the rhetoric based on facts or myths?THE ROLES OF INTERMEDIARIES – what role should Internet Service Providersand other intermediaries play in protecting the value of culture? Where are thelimits for roles and responsibility?We hope to see as many of you as possible. Final agenda will follow shortly.PRACTICAL INFORMATIONVENUE: The Danish Film Institute, Gothersgade 55, DK-1123 Copenhagen KDATE: Thursday, 22 March 2012 from 9.30 to 16.00. Please respond to Mette Bach([email protected]) about your attendance before 10 March 2012.CONTACT: Maria Fredenslund, head of RettighedsAlliancen, email: [email protected], TEL+45 21647448 or Cathrine Emilie Skovsted, associate, email: [email protected], TEL +4551782276.